Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Parting of ways

The physical therapist and I have decided to part ways. We just agreed that it was going nowhere and she just isn't fulfilling my needs.

Yesterday (was Monday only yesterday??), when I went in she asked me what I wanted to do. I do not subscribe to this method of doctoring. If you tell me to make an appointment in 3 weeks and I do so, you should have a plan for that appointment. Don't ask me what I need, you are supposed to know that. (I had the same problem with the chiropractor. She & I had a parting of ways also, although more because I got sick and failed to go to an appointment and never made it up.) So, my physical therapist and I discussed the benefit of seeing her. This is part of the ongoing achilles tendonitis that will apparently never heal. She did hmm... what's the word... ultrasound around my heel for a little while. Then we discussed the potential that it isn't tendonitis, um it is. All the previous stuff indicated that. The current pain indicates that. She thinks that because the pain is pretty specifically located it could be like a heel rubbing issue. It has been swollen long before I started wearing my new shoes that currently rub. Anyway, we've gone past her abilities. I may possibly see some minimal improvement if I were to go in 3 times a week for like 3 - 4 weeks and she did the ultrasound stuff but she doubted it would be worth the expense and time. She did encourage me to go see a sports medicine doctor on the hill. So I guess that's the next step. Maybe after January I'll go do that.

In other random statements, chocolate cool-whip is yummy.

And Oh My God. the cheesetacular made for TV movie Friends til the End is on! I'm so watching this tonight!

1 comment:

Peeved Michelle said...

Your doctors sound lazy, including your lady parts doctor, who was not mentioned in this post.