Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sometimes living alone sucks

Yesterday I got sick. I don't know what caused it. I felt steadily crummier all afternoon. Finally around 7:30 I decided to cook some dinner because I thought perhaps it was because I was hungry I felt so bad. No. In fact it was the opposite. I took 2 bites of my dinner and raced to the bathroom. In all honesty, I can't remember at all the last time I threw up. I know there was a time in Alaska, but that would be like 10 years ago, and I probably have since then. (I know the time in Alaska because this was when I discovered I'm allergic to vicodin. Violently allergic to it. I spent 2 days throwing up.) In any case, I didn't get the lid & seat up quickly enough. There's little more disheartening than throwing up and then having to clean up the mess yourself. :(

This morning I woke up and still felt iffy. I wasn't sure if it was because I had no food in my belly and hadn't had any since yesterday or if I was still planning on being ill. After a can of soda I was feeling better. I went to lunch with my coworker. We went out to my favorite restaurant. :) I bought some bagels for breakfast for the next few days and some ginger cookies. We got back to park the flexcar with 2 minutes to spare. It was closer than I like it to be. :) I need to do dishes before I go visit the fam. I had also meant to do some cleaning before I spent yesterday ill. I hope we get to go home early on Friday that will give me a little time to get stuff done.


brainhell said...

Sorry. Rest.

Jodi said...

Having been sick lately and being able to rely on someone to get stuff for me, I feel for you. Hope you're much better.

Kate the Peon said...

Poor Jo. Hope you feel better!

Unknown said...

Sorry you were sick.

On Saturday I was 15 minutes late returning my FlexCar. I thought I had planned for the holiday traffic but it was twice as bad as my worst-case scenario. I tried apologizing to the member who was waiting for the car, but she was just rude. (But I really did feel bad for being late and inconveniecing her!)

Mind Sprite said...

Hope you're feeling better!