Friday, December 23, 2005

Oh this may not be good

I just looked at my paystub and looked at what I earned for the ytd and what I paid in taxes ytd to see how much of a refund I would be getting. Now of course, I haven't actually done the whole process yet and I could be wrong, but it looks like I may not be getting quite the refund I thought I was due.

Phew - nevermind. I looked at the EZ form and for some reason it has a standard deduction of $8,200 instead of the one on the 1040 regular that has $5,000 (I'm sure there's more for the 1040 regular to make it to the same 8200 that the EZ has but I just didn't find it in my quick look). So now I will be getting a refund of about $1,100. Much better. Oh wait, this means I CAN go on the Great Family Vacation this spring.

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