Sunday, August 29, 2004


Sigh. When it rains it pours. I noticed that my favorite jeans are starting to get worn patches so that means maybe a new pair or 2 AND my blue shirt that was one of the few short sleeved shirts that I can wear to work... bleach spots. BLAH! Now I'm trying to decide do I bleach the whole shirt white or try to redye blue. I'm leaning with bleach whole shirt white. Then I guess I could try dying it a color. It isn't like I can ruin it any more than it already is. AND 99% of the time I am the only person in the laundry room until at least 9:00 AM. This morning, I got sucked into 90210 and was about 15 min late picking up my dry clothes (so not dry useless dryers) and there were 2 people down there like vultures waiting to swoop in on my dryers (one load had already been taken out of the dryer). I was quite shocked but I think they're new. Damn newbies.

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