Sunday, August 15, 2004

Further evidence I'm dumb sometimes...

So as most of you dear readers are probably aware, I take fresh fruit to work with me every day. It varies slightly week to week... always a banana for breakfast then usually a 1 - 2 other fruits/veggies. This week it is cantaloupe & cucumber. I love both. So I always cut everything up because it makes my life easier, then I just grab what I need from the fridge and go. This evening, much to my chagrin (I like this phrase, deal with it...) I remembered that I am out of trash bags and I failed to buy new ones at the store this afternoon. Damn. So not really thinking, I proceed to cut up the cantaloupe and dump the seeds and rind in to a paper grocery bag. Briefly did it cross my mind that this would not work, but you know... I'm foolishly optimistic. You know what happened next... Yes, dear reader, I picked up the bag off the kitchen floor an hour later after I ate dinner to take the bag to the garbage with my very full last garbage bag (too full for all that rind and stuff) and the bottom falls out... all over my foot and the kitchen floor. Damn. Then I'm on my knees cleaning all that crap up and putting it into a plastic shopping bag that I should've used in the first place if I had half a brain...

In other news... I bought a sewing machine over the weekend and have rearranged the living room and kitchen areas. Bax does not like the changes which is not surprising. She rarely likes anything. I haven't tried the sewing machine out yet, though, I'm a little afraid of it. :) It is much older than the one I had been learning on. Maybe tonight.

Finally... what Michelley... no dream analysis for me? :)

1 comment:

Peeved Michelle said...

Dream analysis coming. I had relatives in this weekend. Grandma Dee and Lynette. They are a handful.