Sunday, August 01, 2004

Weekend update

I am some kind of tired right now.

Yesterday I went to the arboretum. I really enjoyed it, but unfortunately Matty P flaked on me. So I went on my own. I only wandered through about half of it because I just got hot and tired, which should've been a big sign to me. I went towards the lake and walked through this series of walkways and docks and then through a set of wetlands. There were a couple of times I just sat down and enjoyed the breeze, and the shade and the smells and the sounds. The lake was dotted with canoers and I so want to do that sometime. I miss canoing. The houses in that area are so cool too. Very cute. It makes me want to buy one. This is slightly startling since, 1 - I have no money to buy a home (keep hoping bosslady doesn't come back from mat leave) and 2 - I have never really had any desire to own my own home, but something about the idea is starting to apeal to me. But a house, not a condo. Something with a back yard and a front yard. Anyway... I got back from the arboretum and was very tired but V wanted to go downtown so I pulled up my bootstraps and went with him. We wandered around for a while and the headache that had started was getting progessively worse. We stopped and ate some dinner at my favorite... Taco Del Mar. I got home and layed on the sofa fully intending to work on the transcription. Didn't happen. Very quickly I was so ridiculously sick I wanted to die. Hot, and vomity, and headachy. Welcome pale girl to the world of sunsickness! I ended up going to bed at 8:00.

I woke up this morning at 5ish. Of course when one goes to bed at 8:00 that is only to be expected but I still felt kinda crappy. I mostly lolled around the house. I did manage to get laundry done and grocery shopping done. I spent part of the afternoon working on the transcriptions and FINALLY got one done. These take a long time to do... Much longer than I ever would've expected. At some point the guy asks about how much time he has left and is told 15 minutes. Over an hour later I'm finally done transcribing that '15 minutes.' I don't actually think it really was 15 min, probably more than that, but still... I have one more to do by tomorrow. I may not make it. I also have to call to get out of this stupid MDA thing I'm supposed to be raising money for. I am so terrible at fund raising. That's why I never do it.

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