Monday, August 30, 2004

Random Job stuff & random rant

Part of my job in HR is customer service, which is funny because most of the time I hate people. Recently we had orientation where I had to explain a deductible to a new employee. That's no big deal... nothing shocking there. Our deductible is 250.00. Then stupidassemployee started asking me about health savings accounts. For those of you who don't know, (and care) these are accounts where you can take out money on a pre-tax basis to pay yourself back for things your insurance doesn't cover. These differ from Flexible Spending Accounts in that these can be rolled over from year to year and used when needed, and don't have to be tied to your company either. Flexible Spending Accounts are use or lose. The big deal about HSA's though are that you have to be on a high deductible plan. For the record, 250.00 isn't a high deductible. I explain this to her. She asks me about the out of pocket maximum (which is 2500). I explain that that is not a deductible that is the out of pocekt max. She says well it is high so it should count. No, it is not the deductible it is the out of pocket max. Well it is over 1000, so it should count she counters. No, it is not a deductible. We go back and forth on this several times before I say, No, it doesn't apply moving on... I wanted to kill her!

On a wholly different rant, I'm so sick of people who say abortion is okay for the life of the mother or in the case of rape but not as a method of birthcontrol blah blah blah take responsibility cakes. Oh please. I'd so much rather these little stupidass 14, 15, 16 etc year old girls who get knocked up abort than have the baby, head down the welfare highway and poorly raise another human being to be another crap person. Yeah potentially we're losing out on another Albert Einstein, but more likely we're losing out on a potential Jeffrey Dahmer, or Manson or Green River Killer. Studies show these girls do not give up their babies for adoption as the blissful idyllic world would have them do but they keep them and if FORCED to keep them as in if abortion were less legal than it is now, we'll add to the too young/too foolish mix too bitter. That makes a great parent... one who is pissy about having been forced to 'take responsibility.' I have no issue with a young woman who gets pregnant accidentally and decides on her own to do whatever she thinks the right thing is and raise the baby. I have an awesome neice that I wouldn't have otherwise from a good little sister who works very hard to be a good mother. I think that's amazing... obviously since I sure as shit ain't doing it myself, but this was a choice my sister made... not one forced upon her. That whole step up take responsibility thing is what makes bad Lifetime movies, not intelligent parenting. /end of political rant...

1 comment:

Peeved Michelle said...

What really irritates me is that the people who are the most vocal pro-lifers are the ones who tend to have 5+ kids with not a single adopted kid in the bunch. Who is it who is supposed to be adopting all these non-aborted kids? The adoption system here isn't exactly ideal.