Friday, September 03, 2004

Long Weekends 2004 Recap

Someone somewhere doesn't want me to enjoy a long weekend... ever. To recap:

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Break up with boy spend weekend crying.
President's Day with added bonus of Valentine's Day: Favorite ferret dies. Get driven into by car. Spend weekend crying
Good Friday (Jesuit university holiday): Have letter of smackdown from boss about what a naughty girl I am for continuing to IM when I shouldn't... I DON"T HAVE ENOUGH TO DO I want to shout at her, but I do not. AND broken computer saga continuing all day Friday. So not terrible, but not great.
Memorial Day Weekend: Strangely enough not a bad weekend... Volunteered the whole thing.
Independence Day: Again nothing bad... Went to fireworks with V et all.
Labor Day: Sick as fuck.

So it is about 50/50 in terms of good/bad long weekends. The way I figure it, somebody somewhere owes me an awesome Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas break and that odd holiday we get in November. Seriously. I'm busting out the sage and the candles and the crystals right now. :)

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