Tuesday, September 28, 2004

This morning

Two things I discovered this morning when I got up.

1 - I can't completely bend or straighten the elbow... I get close and in extreme pain. Made washing my hair and face difficult. Don't get me started on hooking the damn bra strap. I had to do it like when I first started wearing bras, hook in front then turn it to be proper. Bending the arm to get it into the strap, also not fun.

2 - I do not like white rice bread. I think the bread I tried and didn't hate was tapioca bread. White rice bread still foams in your mouth like I remember it doing all those years ago. I actually spit the bite from this morning into a napkin then into the trash. Damn.


TIMMY! said...

post some pictures up of you trying to clip your bra. please.

Peeved Michelle said...

Timmy sounds like another friend of ours. He-who-shall-not-be-named.

Joanne said...

Timmy - Buy a girl a digital camera and the pics are all yours. ;)