Thursday, February 17, 2005

A thought... on men.

A man in a hardhat = sexy. A man in a PINK hardhat = a sign?

This thought brought to you by workcrush walking by in a pink hardhat. I may be finding a new stalking victim... I mean workcrush.

Edit... it is worse than I thought. I was chatting with his coworker who was also wearing a hard hat. She owns both the pink and the white one she was wearing. He CHOSE to wear the pink hardhat. Quirky & fun which I can get behind or... one of the gays? :)

2nd Edit to answer KTP's question... He and the owner of the 2 hard hats were "pulling cable" in a building that is currently undergoing renovation so he had to have the hard hat. Now, I am not a techie so I only have a vague idea about what pulling cable means.


Unknown said...

Now, more than ever, I want to meet your workcrush.

Kate the Peon said...

Explain why workcrush was wearing a hardhat to begin with, please.

Unknown said...

Pulling cable? Heh. That's dirty. :P And manly. ;)

Peeved Michelle said...

It literally means pulling cable, like network cables through floors and walls and ceilings. Bryan used to do that when he was a peon but now he is all boss like so he doesn't do it anymore.

Stephen said...

Exactly my sentiments, Matty!

Of course I was thinking of "laying pipe", too ;)

Jodie said...

Maybe he's color blind and that pink hat looks gray to him.

Jodie said...

Maybe he's color blind and that pink hat looks gray to him.

Unknown said...

I know what pulling cable is, but sometimes you just have to "go there".

Please, what do you think, I'm doing math?