Sunday, July 31, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
A reprieve
Friday, July 29, 2005
Blather on and on
Panic attack! Panic attack!
Crashing the Wedding
Favorite pic of me

Yesterday I was feeling... nostalgic? meloncholy? Something like that. I was flipping through all of my old photo albums and came across the only picture of me I've ever had taken that I like. Unfortunately, it also prominently features an ex boyfriend. I've always found it amazing what a great photographer can do.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
So bizarre
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
A question for the Oregonians
What do you know (or which would you recommend) of these camp grounds that have space on that weekend? Cape Perpetua, Beachside, Tahkenitch Campground, Tahkenitch Landing, Tyee Campground, Sunset Bay or Bullards Beach. We're leaning towards Beachside because it seems to be closer to us, but we don't know anything about these places and want to go somewhere cool.
Second part: Anything happening in the great state of Oregon on that weekend that you know of that we should be aware of? Big biker rally or anything like that?
Thank you!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
It's a holly jolly day with you.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Any resemblence is completely coincidental
If I start wearing purple gloves you can feel free to call the men in white jackets to take me away, but make sure Group Health preauthorizes otherwise they won't pay. And I only get 8 days.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Charlie & Choc. Factory
Cooling theory
Edit: My theory seems to be wrong as I just got home and it is sweltering in here.
A mid-summer night's treat (and mini celebration!)
I just noticed, when I logged in, that the post count has finally been fixed. I have over 1100 posts! How exciting! And it didn't even take 2 years to get there. Crikey who knew I ever had that much to say?
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Where did all the money go?
Back to tales of drunken debauchery. Coworker and I got there about 8:30 and got a drink from Jeffy (gay, pothead, bartending husband). She nursed that 1 drink the entire evening. I did not and had several more courtesy of Eric, other bartender. College student had about 2.5 drinks (if that) but apparently that sent him over the edge. Goodness I used to be such a lightweight. We played darts for awhile then headed up stairs to dance. We danced maybe an hour before college student wanted to leave. He was adamant that coworker and I stay and have fun. Coworker was ready to go right then, so I told her to wait a min or 2 and let college student leave so that way he thinks we were staying to have fun and we didn't leave on his account, when the reality was we were only initially staying on his account. We then went to IHOP. Their bacon is not as good as university's bacon. I told coworker I'd walk with her to her bus stop and wait with her for her bus because it isn't safe for a girl to just hang out at a bus stop at that hour of the night. On our way we stopped by the lesbian bar to see Matty who was working. Apparently he could tell right away I was tipsy. Who knew I could be even more perky?! :) He was off shift so he joined us because he is a gentleman. We waited about 20 min for her bus then he walked me home too. Again, because he is a gentleman. We stood outside and chatted for a few more minutes and now I'm a little block of icy coldness because I was just wearing a tank top and capri pants. But I wasn't feeling the cold outside, it was when I got into my apartment I started feeling it.
I really like Gorillaz and their video Feel Good.
Jamster is evil and should be stopped.
That is all for today kids. Good night Seattle and have a happy tomorrow!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Honestly Officer - it was all Michelle's fault
Eye contact
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Happy Wednesday!
I've been eating toasty peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast this week. I got a loaf of sourdough from my gluten free restaurant on Sunday when I went for lunch. I love it when the peanut butter gets all melty because it is warm from the toast. The bread isn't half bad either. But it does take forever and eventually the broiler to toast. Mmm peanutbuttery goodness!
There was this beautiful old church on Capitol Hill, right on Broadway, that they've recently torn down. I was initially upset because it is so cool looking, how can they tear down such a beautiful thing? Then I discovered it was structurally unsound due to that earthquake that happened here a few (several? less than many) years ago. So okay, it had to be torn down. Do you know what they're replacing it with??!! Can you imagine? Nothing interesting I'm afraid. They're paving it and giving Capitol Hill a new parking lot. Now, since I don't drive I don't know what parking on the hill is like. One of my friends claims that there needs to be more parking on the hill. Seems to me like there needs to be more FREE parking on the hill, but we all know that'll never happen. I've never seen the big pay lots full (Perhaps maybe pride weekend but I didn't look after being disgusted by the parking lots charging 20 bucks to park.). So this will be yet another pay parking lot and not that big. If the hill is that desperate for more parking, why isn't it becoming a parking garage instead of just 15 or 20 new spaces? Sigh. It just grosses me out to see cool buildings torn down for parking lots.
I seem to have won my battle with Amazon. They're giving me my money back becuase I had a guarantee I would get the book on the 16th and I didn't. And sending yet another new book because the original sent has yet to arrive. At some point I could end up with 3 of them. I am undecided as to what to do with the one from Amazon once it does arrive. I could send it back, but I've already got my money back from them because of the guarantee. So then I'm thinking, I wonder if I could take it back to QFC and get my money back from them. I've only once ever taken anything back to a grocery store. (And that was only because I noticed as I was dealing with my lunch at the bookstore nearby that the shredded cheese I had JUST purchased was moldy. Had it been days later I wouldn't have done it.) Or I could pass it on to someone else. I didn't pay for it, so I could release it via bookcrossing or loan it to Matty who hasn't gotten his yet. :) I think that's the best answer to me.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Spiderman... spiderman does whatever a spider can
I need a little notebook or something
Although in breaking news... I just received an email that big gay queen is no longer working here. I had no idea. Now I'm going to have to ask workcrush what happened to him. (Oh an excuse to talk to workcrush...) :)
Monday, July 18, 2005
New neighbor
Othello Savant
Random thoughts for a Monday Morning
Also, what do they call the reverse mullet? Longer in front and very short in back. There was a kid on campus with that hair and I thought hmmm party in front?
Mythbusters Rules!
*I used to love my reading books when I was a kid. Excerpts or sometimes whole stories all compiled together into one big book! It was heaven. I can't remember the name of the story about the ichthyologist but I do remember reading the story and then looking up the regular book to read her whole story.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Bring on book 7!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
It wasn't a dream!
A day wasted
I didn't get to the movies yesterday. I didn't leave the office until 3 because of a straggling employee who wanted a meeting. The movie started at 3 and 4:15 so I just headed home and took a nap instead. :) Tomorrow I think the back pack and new book and I are going to a park to read. Either that or the zoo. Which is near a park so I could do both I suppose. The zoo would be nice becuase I think it would be calming to visit the butterfly and blooms exhibit. It is one of my favorites.
Friday, July 15, 2005
An opportunity missed
Yay tis Friday!
The water will be off in my building from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. If we even flush a toilet there'll be a bazillion dollar fine.
Do I go home and read my latest JA Jance book or do I find some other activity to do?
I find some other activity to do! I could go to the Cinerama and see if that movie theater fabulousness makes Star Wars 3 any more palatable. Comfortable, rocking, plush red velvet chairs could make that movie almost not suck. Or I could go see March of the Penguins. But I think what I shall do is go see Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. I'm hoping it doesn't suck. Like most my age I LOVED the original movie. It seems to diverge quite a bit form the original, but I also love Johnny Depp. I've seen mixed reviews. But, really, it couldn't suck any more than Star Wars 3 so I'm giving it a try... Unless I decide to wait for tomorrow and subject myself to the horror of the Pacific Science Center's IMAX on a Saturday afternoon. Oh who am I kidding... THAT would make the movie suck.
I can't believe I forgot the funniest part!
Last night, while MP and I were playing darts, this guy Nick was next to us playing darts. I've known Nick for a couple of years now. And he knows me through V. So he casually asks where V is. I reply that I have no idea. And he says "Well why not, you're his girl." "I am not," I retort... meaning that I am not anyone's "girl" I am my own person. MP chimes in with "No, she's my girl now." Oh my, I'm all touched and shit. I would've been more touched if he hadn't followed up the comment with something about second hand goods, but whatever. :)
It's been awhile...
Traditionally Steven* has plans on Thursday nights to meet up with some trannys and our other friend V to play darts. I decided to crash the evening. Actually, I didn't crash since I told him I was joining him and he already knew the trannys weren't coming and, well, v is completely unreliable. So we made arrangements to meet at 7:59 at the usual street corner for when we're going to the bar. I honestly can't remember the last time I've been in the bar. I was thinking it's been awhile since I've had anything to drink at all, but then I remembered drinking in Hawai'i with Michelle. But seriously that was a month and a half ago. And those were all at straight bars. Those bartenders don't pour well. Anyway I digress (but seriously I'm not fixing anymore typos so just cope with them..) Matty (I mean Steven) and I played darts for a couple of hours. Jeffy, my gay pothead bartending husband joined us after awhile. We had a lot of fun.
It's been awhile since I've had that kind of fun. I beat Steven several times and he may have beaten me once but I'm sure he was cheating.
*Steven had to change his name from his original name because Jesus was in the bar and Steven was trying to avoid him. No really, Jesus. Or the 2nd coming of Jesus. That's what he believes. (The guy, not Steven. He & Jeffy do not believe that the guy is Jesus.)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Short on substance, long on life
Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring from the Supreme Court. I remember when I was little and she was named the first woman Supreme Court Justice. I was about 7 or 8 at the time but I remember that my teacher made a big deal about how she was the first and she was a woman too, and from my state to boot! I remember being proud of that fact. I'm sad she's stepping down, mostly because, well goodness knows what kind of Conservative Bush is going to try to get in there. I'm glad she's going to be able to care for her husband, especially considering how supportive he was during her appointment. He left his practice for her. I feel sad for her though that he has Alzheimers. That's got to be a terrible way to end your (and your spouse's) life.
I had something else I've been meaning to post for days but I can't for the life of me remember.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Backing out
Being a grown up
Of course.
Christ I'm tired
I FINALLY heard from the guy about the paint out. But not even when it is. All he asked was how things were coming. So I emailed him back with, what is the date? He never did confirm that with me. I really want to back out. I'll feel a lot of guilt if I do, though, because it's a commitment I made and I have this warped sense of commitment to all the wrong things. A job that is toxic, yeah I'll stick it out. A volunteer gig I don't want to do, I'm there. Relationships that cause me nightmares, I'm all aboard. A healthy relationship with a guy, I wouldn't know that if it bit me in the ass. (Ok I might be a tiny bit cranky because of my tiredness)
MP & I went to play cards last night. We met at Bauhaus and played Phase 10 and Uno. There was this guy who came in who was not hot, but kind of weirdly cute in that nerdy kid from A Christmas Story way. But his behavior was very weird. We weren't sure which team he was batting for. He kept standing just inside the doorway drinking his hot beverage and carrying this odd looking briefcase. Periodically he would go back over and talk with the baristas then back to the entry. At one point he started chatting up this cute girl, which answered our question. Although Matt did offer to hold my hand as a means of self preservation if he came over to us. (Self preservation for both actually as it was entirely possible that he batted for both teams) Then he took a phone call. And started shouting into the phone. He went from just a little socially retarded to kind of seriously crazy. He spent about 15 minutes (minimum) yelling obscenities into the phone. Something about a computer and screwing him. Ian (gay barista I used to see in RPlace doing karaoke) asked him to take the call outside, much to everyone's relief. Except with the double doors wide open and the guy just going out to the sidewalk, it didn't really help that much. We all could still hear him fairly clearly. He'd hang up the phone. Then come back inside. Then flip open the phone again and call the guy he was yelling at and yell some more. This went on multiple times. Finally, blissfully, he left. We finished up our games because Bauhaus doesn't have great evening lighting. It is more mood lighting and it was getting hard to tell the greens from the blues on the UNO cards. Matt beat me at Phase 10 for the first time. I think I beat him at UNO. (although he may hotly deny that) We each needed a few things from the groceria and headed there. I think I'm a bad influence on MP since I was buying chips and so we were in the cookie aisle, he ended up buying cookies and was seriously tempted to buy some chocolate. And we headed our respective ways home. I had to replace the light bulb in the only light in my living room. I used to buy the 100/200/250 light bulbs (I think) but apparently the last time I bought them I couldn't remember so the max light I had was 150. These new light bulbs light up the livingroom like it is noon, in Hawai'i.
Monday, July 11, 2005
So political
I need a plan
- Go to Portland for a weekend (costs me cash. I'm hoping flexcar offers up a special like they did last year, but so far haven't seen anything about it.)
- Camp (I wanted to do this last year too. Also costs since I don't own a car anymore I would have to rent one or find people who own one to go with me. I wonder if I could borrow the propane stove from the Girl Scouts again...)
- SAM - I've not been yet.
- Alki Beach. (I think people can swim there? Right? Ok reading the park description maybe I don't want to swim there, but wading would be not terrible. I did it in Ketchikan, AK.)
- Perhaps the conservatory at Volunteer Park
- After volunteering for them at Folklife, I think I want to go to the Center for Wooden Boats. Ooh according to their site I could rent a row boat! How fun! (Seriously, I obviously have deranged ideas about fun)
- Oooh, I forgot. At the zoo there is a new exhibit about the exotic birds of Australia AND the butterfly & blooms exhibit is open and I love that exhibit.
- This Bradner Gardens also looks pretty. I may have to check this out.
- Fellow Seattleites any other suggestions? Someplace interesting or cool.
Guilty Pleasure
1 - Legally Blonde. This movie rules. The 2nd blows. I've watched it twice already this weekend. How wrong is that? I also love the movie Blast from the Past. Both are the typical fish out of water type movies but they just make me giggle.
2 - Kelly Clarkson. I don't want to like her. I loathe American Idol. I can't bear to admit I like something that has come out of that show. It's awful. It's horrible. Yet she is strangely catchy. I feel some shame that I like her. :)
3 - The Disney Store. Since I live up here now, I can't go to Disneyland as much as I want to, so I go into the Disney Store for a brief pick-me-up. I don't usually buy anything, I just like to walk around all that Disney stuff.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Just another weekend
Today, however, was a day of vague accomplishments. Laundry isn't really an accomplishment but it did get done. I went with coworker and a couple of other friends to Honeycourt down in the International District for Dim Sum. I just had regular Chinese food, being unable to eat most of the Dim Sum offerings because most of them are in won ton wrappers. Came home and did dishes and made one of my favorite dishes, sherried chicken and rice. I think I'm going to bake brownies too. Mmmm brownies.
I need to come up with an activity for next weekend. I don't want to spend it lounging around my entire apartment. According to my horoscope for the week, I could be meeting Mr. Right any day now.
If you're still out shopping for your soul mate, you can relax. Over the
next few days, you'll have several opportunities to meet the person you've been
waiting for -- and you won't have to look very far to find them. This is your
official astrological notification. Dress nicely, no matter where you're off to,
even the grocery store or the carwash. Your only mandatory assignment is to pay
attention to anyone interesting, because you never know ....
Friday, July 08, 2005
The movie
I'm sitting in the lobby of the Cinerama watching the staff clean up the concession stand and waiting of the 2nd showing of Inlaws & Outlaws to end. If I had been thinking ahead I would've brought Harry Potter 4 to read, but I rarely remember to think ahead. Earlier this evening I remember thinking I should grab it, but then forgot when it was actually time to leave. Slowly all the other concession workers leave until there's only 2 left doing the last bit of clean up and checks. They, like me, are stuck here until the very end. One is going to start at UW in the fall to become a teacher. The other is regaling him with tales of his parents' lives as teachers. I want to tell them he's wrong and it isn't as easy as he is making it out to be but I keep silent and sit in this blue chair in the lobby. I try not to think about all of those who sat here before me. There's a knock at the locked doors and this older Asian couple is trying to come in to see Star Wars. They get turned away and sent to Pacific Place. I doze off a couple of times. Finally the movie is almost done and the director and his assistant return. I stand up and straighten my little booth area. People stream out and I thank them for coming, a few come over to me. A few donate money, and finally it is time to go home.
On to the movie review... well, my crying during movies streak remains unbroken. I really enjoyed the movie, and not just because my name appears in the credits - although that will be part of the reason I purchase this on DVD when it gets released. Y'all know I don't generally like indie films, so for me to say I liked it is a pretty big deal. :) It was very honest, these people's stories - very real. (Duh it is a documentary and not fiction.) It was really interesting to me how little of the hours of tape I listened to actually ended up on the finished product. Luckily the couple I didn't like didn't appear at all. They were just unpleasant and I think would've been counterproductive to the tone of the finished product. He was fairly anti-establishment and anti-marriage. His wife parroted him but it was hard to tell from the bits I heard how much of that was her own belief. It's very much a movie about hope and about believing that there is someone out there for you and once you've found it, hold on tight. It definitely isn't all roses and flowers though. There was a lot of pain in some of these people's lives. Each segment is introduced by this simply amazing singer. Each piece she sang was in line with the tone of the segment. Her version of REM's Everybody Hurts made my tears fall harder since that's always been my (and many other's I'm sure) song of tears. I'm amazed and kind of awed by the people we saw on the screen, sharing their personal stories in that manner. I'm also amazed and kind of in awe of those who managed to find the love of their lives and hold on for so long. There was an older gentleman who was with his partner for 50 years before the partner died in 1999. For all 50 of those years, they were in the closet. Somehow that was so sad to me, but at the same time joyous too. It takes a lot of love to keep that kind of secret from the world for that long. After the movie, people were coming up to my table and asking about distribution. They're shopping it around for a DVD release. I would love to see this go into the mainstream, or at least the art house movie theaters ala Penguin March. Although I guess the people who really need to see this wouldn't go.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Stupid British Snackfood!
I could be Canadian!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I learned a new word today, Hapa. It is Hawai'ian. It means a person who is half Asian and half Caucasian, ala Dean Cain. The topic came up because our new basketball coach is yummy and looks like a young Dean Cain so we were supposing that he was hapa. She told me that there's a song in Hawai'i about how 'I love my hapa man.' She said that in Hawai'i hapa men are somewhat coveted. They generally have the best charactaristics of their different races: the darkness and finer features of the Asian side and the burlyness of the Caucasian side. Upon further research with google, I discovered that hapa literally means half in Hawai'ian.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Another wonked out weirdass dream
Pregnant: To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.
Birth: To dream of giving birth or see someone else giving birth, suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents new beginnings or some upcoming event. A more direct interpretation of this dream, may represent your desires/ anxieties of giving birth or the anticipation for such an event to occur.
Time Travel: To dream about time travel, indicates your wish to escape from your present reality. You want to go back into the past or jump forward to the future to a period where your hopes are realized. This type also represents your romantic nature or your desire to romanticize everything.
Dead baby: To see a dead baby in your dream, symbolizes the ending of something that is part of you.
Breast feeding: To dream that you are breast feeding, symbolizes tenderness, love, nurture, and motherly love. Good things will be at your grasp.
Grave: To dream that you are visiting a grave, indicates that you need to delve into your own unconscious in search of an issue in which you thought had been put to rest. You need to stand up for yourself for no one else can do it for you. Alternatively, it represents something is about to be completed in your life. You are ready for a new start.
So despite the fact that this dream kind of bugged me this morning, apparently it is a good thing representing change and moving forward.
Just get by
As we were sitting there eating tacos, I was eavesdropping on the conversation going on behind me. Two older women were discussing one's job. I would wager they were between 10 - 15 years older than me. She is apparently going to be working 16 hours per week at xyz company and this will allow her to "just get by" and she's pleased with this. This is the part I got confused about. How can a person be pleased with just getting by? She mentioned she would be getting a roommate for her 1 bedroom apartment to help in this process. I can't fathom what it would be like to have a roommate in a 1 bedroom apartment. Especially at 40ish. I will freely admit I don't have lofty goals. I don't want to be executive VP of HR some day or anything like that. Hell, I'm not even 100% sure I want to do what I'm doing for the next 30 years. But in 10 years, I definitely don't want to be just getting by.
No more pizza :(
A sad realization
To rectify this I am taking a class. Actually I thought about taking the class last night and realized the 10 years thing this morning so really they are kind of unrelated. But taking a class, I am. And not a class that is useful in any way shape or purpose to what I do or what I may or may not want to be when I grow up. I'm taking Physics 100. The most basic, physics for boneheads possible at my school. From Quarks to the Cosmos. Yesterday I was playing some trivia game online (at MSN in case you really care) and there was a question about Kafka's Metamorphosis. I knew the answer, having read Kafka in high school. But I thought about that question and the knowledge and came to a realization that sometimes I feel like people I know think I'm less smart than I am. And that bothers me. And it is all my perception, (actually with one person it isn't my perception he really thinks that and no it isn't Matty) and I know that. So to make myself feel smart, I'm going to take physics. Why physics? Because it kicked my ass in high school. I scraped by with a C- (and I think that was mostly due to a frighteningly smart lab partner). I had a crappy teacher. I also had a crappy chemistry teacher and so chemistry kicked my ass too, but I made up for it in college. I got like a B+ in my chem class and thought about taking more but decided against it because it would've required more higher math. If this works out, I may take more of science or math. (and even a REAL class and not just intro) I used to be interested in them before I got lazy. The only thing I didn't like was bio and that was only because I don't like to dissect things. The only bad thing, undergrad classes are during the day. If I want to take one, I miss work time. This physics class is during lunch 2 days a week so no big deal, but if I want to take a real science class, that's more time missed. I'll have to cross that bridge if I get there. Ok it might be because of my above realization that I think sometimes that other people think I'm not so smart.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Lighter Fluid
Sunday, July 03, 2005
3 Thoughts
2 - It is probably psychosomatic, but once I installed the new fan in the window and turned it on it felt cooler within like 5 minutes.
3 - Apparently I'm never cooking again as I have ordered Chinese food for dinner again. Is it replacing tacos as my favorite, one might wonder? Not really. But Chinese food delivers and tacos don't so not only am I not cooking but I'm not leaving the house. Sigh.
Shop til I dropped!
Can someone explain to me why women's short sleeved shirts are either 3/4ths length sleeves or none at all. How is it we don't get normal short sleeved shirts? Another sign I'm secretly a lesbian and don't know it, I ended up buying my shirts from the men's section. I wanted normal short sleeved shirts, apparently boys get them.
As I was driving home I was listening to this song on the radio. It was hysterical. It used the lyrics "the roof is on fire..." so when it came to the part about motherfucker burn, they of course edited it. Except they didn't edit it so well. You heard mother fu (then a weird little editing noise) ker. You could tell exactly what the words are. hee.
Body envy
Saturday, July 02, 2005
What kind of girl am I?
Click on the pictures below to read more:
From the Girl Next Door: The defining characteristics of the Girl Next Door are simplicity and tradition. Simplicity means that, unlike the Academic Girl, she's really not that interested in the great questions that keep philosophers up at night. When she can sit in the kitchen, drinking coffee, eating shortbread cookies with a friend, and listening to the cat purr on top of the radiator, what else is there to life? What else, indeed. From the Progressive Girl: Imagine that the Girl Next Door moved to the big city. If you are going to date a Progressive Girl, the one sin you can commit is to be a chameleon. Molding your opinions to fit hers will lose her respect. One very positive thing you can do is offer her new experiences -- the Progressive Girl is fearless about trying new things. Whether it's pluralism, skydiving, Asian peanut sauce, or this book, the Progressive Girl is always looking for new ideas. Borrowed from PoppyCedes. |
Friday, July 01, 2005
On and on they go

I just went and saw March of the Penguins. I only teared up 3 times during the movie. As it opened, I was looking at the beautiful landscape of Antarctica and I thought, hmm... what kind of job would I have to have to get to go there. I'm pretty sure they don't need benefits administrators. So then they had some of the first shots of the penguins and I thought, THAT'S what I could do... I could be a biologist. As the movie progressed, I discovered no, that's not what I could do. I also couldn't do documentaries of wild animals. I would want to interfere. All in all, though, a good movie. I enjoyed it. I didn't even hate Morgan Freeman's narration. And finally, how fucking cute are baby penguins?? I totally want to take one home! :)
Will all movies do this lately?
I also have Ned Kelly and National Treasure to entertain me this weekend. I have high hopes for Ned Kelly. It combines many of my favorite things... The lusciousness of Heath Ledger (and Orlando Bloom is thrown in for good measure). A modern western (strangely enough one of my favorite movie genres). And Australian accents (I know I've mentioned I'm an accent whore). Seriously, it has to be as crappy as Star Wars #3 or Braveheart to really disappoint me with all that greatness to counteract it.