Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tattoo #2
Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy day!
We went and saw Juno yesterday. It's really good. I highly recommend it. We had originally been planning on seeing a sneak preview of 27 Dresses but we missed out on that because there was only 1 seat left and two of us.
I think we're doing arts & crap today and I've got some glass things to etch. I'm happy about that. :) I also have a scarf to finish for a coworker. She admired it during the white elephant gift exchange.
V might come out on Saturday and spend the night. It will be good to see him. I hope he really comes. I bet he won't though.
Christmas was nice. We were all at Michelle's mom's house. They had a lot of people over for breakfast and present opening. I'm always amazed at how many people are in Michelle's family. There are 7 of us total in my family right now. A few cousins and one uncle I've never met on top of that, but that's it. I've not seen one set of the cousins since I was like 8 and the other set since I was about 12. I wouldn't know them if there were 3 of us in a room together.
We did PYOP (Paint your own pottery) yesterday. I LOVE PYOP! Oh actually I think we did that the day before yesterday. The days all run together, especially when there's nothing on TV. I've never noticed how much I've relied on the TV schedule to tell me what day of the week it is. I know some people use those silly things like calendars, but whatever.
Hope y'all are having a good holiday!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I got here on Sunday. It is HOT. Much hotter than I'm used to and it surprised me.
Michelle's baby is cute. She posts pictures on flicker but those do the kid little justice. Seriously. I just like touching her head because she's fuzzy and soft. She's a good baby. Between Kenna and my friend Janel's baby Trygve I may not dislike infants as much as I think I do.
Totally unrelated, I was talking to lyday the other day about adopting kids. My theory on this is that I meet up with a social worker and say you tell me who would do good with me. I do fear adopting a black baby though. Only because I've been listening to my scout moms talking about what you have to do with little black girls' hair and it freaks me out. Hot combs. Wax or something like that. Seriously it is intimidating. Lyday, who is 1/2 black herself, gave me a compliment. She said she thought I'd be great with any kind of kid really. That was nice of her.
So far, we've gone to Mongolian bbq and hung out. Michelle's grandmother, aunt and other aunt came by for dinner tonight. That was a ... tiring meal. It was nice and her hubby cooked a fabulous dinner. One of her aunts, though, had an anyuerism a few years ago and it definitely has affected her. There were kind of weird conversations going on, but in reality every one was nice and civil to each other so that beats most meals with my family 100%.
Slightly related... I wonder if my mother ever told my grandmother about Kayla before my grandmother died. When my grandmother heard Amanada got married, she implied that Amanda HAD to get married. In a fit of righteous indignation my mom lied and said no she didn't. Rather than do the logical thing like announce the baby a year later and just keep Kay a year younger than she really is, she continued to deny the existence of Kay. So weird...
Still on the agenda:
Christmas tomorrow at Michelle's mom's house.
Arts & Crafts projects - Maybe glass etching. Definitely scrapbooking.
A movie - I want to see Juno. Looks funny.
After Christmas shopping
And perhaps tattoos. I am still thinking a horseshoe and now I'm waffling on placement. I originally was thinking between my boobies and now I'm thinking the top of my left foot.
Recently I saw Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox story. HYSTERICAL. Definitely see it. Tonight we watched Spider Man 3. I can't help but think that may have been the most boring movie ever. Ok not EVER, but it was seriously boring.
Merry Christmas!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow and I hope Santa Claus brings you everything you want!
Friday, December 21, 2007
A sign I'm truly designed for my job...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Am I psychic?
Of course if I AM really psychic then I'll be marrying the guy in the elevator yesterday evening with the amazing eyes but sadly walking the tiny dog that is either a girlfriend's or a boyfriend's with my luck. :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Oh holy hell...
Did you hear the alarm go off?
After dropping them off at the airport I had to drive up to MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry) to see one of my scout's dance recitals. She was very good, but there was a group of teeny tiny girls dancing and they pretty much sent the pang over the edge. When I adopt, at least one has to be a little girl so I can torment her with dance class. :)
Friday, December 14, 2007
10 Things
- Kind
- Wants children (willing to adopt)
- Can make me laugh/sense of humor
- Accepting/non judgemental
- Non smoker & drug free
- Is attractive to me. (I have liberal taste remember)
- Financially responsible
- Has a job he enjoys or is working towards getting a job he enjoys
- Willing to volunteer with me
- Finds me hot. :)
(If I could have an 11 and this isn't really a must have but a would be nice, willing to dance with me on the feet on Broadway)
Update: so I fixed job he enjoys to working towards getting a job he enjoys. I see Michelle's and KtP's point. However, when I say willing to volunteer with me, I don't mean every single volunteer activity I do, but willing to go volunteer someplace with me. It doesn't have to be one of my usual volunteer activities (although I do have quite a variety of volunteer activities), but since volunteering is so much a part of my life, I want it to be a part of my kids' lives and I think in order to be successful with that my partner should do it to so we could do it as a family. Am I possibly being a bit idealistic? Sure. But it's my list. :)
Uh Oh
- I have the worst taste in potential hires. I'll hire the one who has the saddest sob story about why I should hire them.
- I am going to have to be the one to call the candidates that we aren't going to hire and say "Sorry, we aren't going to hire you."
- Did you see line 2?? There's a reason I'm not a recruiter and line 2 is it.
- I'm also going to have to phone screen people and interview them and all that. I guess that's what being the boss is all about.
- See #2. No really. See it.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Two chapters left
Next quarter I'm signed up to take two tests. I want to get this done before the new boss starts. That way I'll have it under my belt for when and if I have to go job hunting.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Smith Tower

Friday, December 07, 2007
Oh ho the rattlin' blog
There's a whole bunch of stuff going on lately. (I just realized I tend to say an assful or assload and I heard it the other morning and discovered it is a morning DJ thing. I listen to Adam Corolla and he says it. Weird that.)
1 - I walked all the way to the grocery store last night to pick up stuff for my scout meeting. I had a basket full of things I needed. I got to the check out and realized my wallet was back at my office in my backpack. I put all the groceries away and left with my tail between my legs. I took it as a sign we weren't meant to do science last night but art instead. I had art stuff.
2 - Lyday and I are going to the Smith Tower tomorrow. We are going to the top which will be pretty and we are going to sit in the Wishing Chair. Allegedly, when a single gal sits in the chair, she'll get married in the next year. I have high hopes.
3 - Sunday Stephen, Benjammin and I are going to the Pacific Science Center. I'm looking forward to that too because I love the Pacific Science Center. It's awesome! And I've not been with a little kid in a long time. I hope he'll have fun!
4 - I have been having some pangs of regret recently. Sometimes I go back and reread a blog post or two to remind me about why things had to end the way they did.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Note to self
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Unrelated, well maybe a little related, remember a good year year and a half ago I lost my crystal that I've been wearing since college? I thought it disappeared on the bus (which made sense since it was shortly after I got off the bus I noticed the string I was wearing it on was broken.) apparently it wasn't left on the bus. Somehow it ended up in my sofa. So weird. But I'm thrilled to have it back. I think I'm going up to this bead shop on Broadway to get a new silver chain for it. That's one of my errands.
It also made me cry for a different reason. When I lived with the kids while my sister went through a bone marrow transplant, my nephew was 11 and my niece then must've been about 7. We went to see Santa at the pet store. (In fact I still have the picture of Minka and their ferret Slinky with Santa. That's just funny.) Despite the fact that I don't think he still believed in Santa at that point he asked Santa for a gift. His mom to get better from her cancer. Santa looked sadly at him and said he would do what he could but he couldn't make any promises. Poor Santa, what a hard job he must have.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Guess what's happening outside!!
It's SNOWING! Yay! It isn't supposed to stick. Allegedly it will be just a light dusting. But it still makes me happy.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Dude, I'm like totally stoned right now...
What the hell?
According to dreammoods:
Kissing: If you are kissing a friend, then it represents your respect and adoration for your friend. You are seeking some intimate closeness that is lacking in some waking relationship. It may or may not signify a romantic interest for him or her. (Not helpful dreammoods!)
Date: To dream that you are on a date, suggests that you are getting to know some hidden aspects of yourself. You are acknowledging your hidden talents. Alternatively, it may reflect your anxieties about dating or finding acceptance.
Daughter: To see your daughter in your dream, represents your waking relationship with your daughter and the qualities that she projects. If you do not have a daughter, then it symbolizes the feminine aspect within yourself. (I'm cute and have little girl teeth?)
Adopted: To dream that you or others are adopting a child, indicates that you are taking on something new and different. Ask yourself what is missing in your life that would make you happy.
Hmmm... If I were to hazard a guess I'd say it may be time to find a date or two. Sigh.
Monday, November 26, 2007
IT Rules!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I survived
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Kinda cool
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I've arrived!
I am almost done with my scarf in pink and purple that matches my hat. :) I had a lot of time to crochet while waiting for planes and even while on the plane.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Another reason why Canadians are cool

Totally unrelated, I think I want to watch TLC's new show London Ink. Two reasons for this... 1 - Hello, accents are HOT and 2 - One of the artists... even hotter. :)
I'm hungry
I didn't make it downtown yesterday so I need to leave soon to go get new tennis shoes and marzipan. I think I'll pick up lunch downtown too. :) Mmmm... tacos!
I'm searching for my airline ticket for CA for December and it seems like all the sites are the same now. I tend to go through the list... travelocity, orbitz, expedia, kayak, farecast... and there's no real variation on what they come back with. Oh well.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Crash Boom Bang!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Apparently I have a quality?
(There I fixed the comma, happy grammar police?!) :)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Two Things
2 - Once upon a time, I was a freshman in college. I remember laying across my bed one day listening to Pearl Jam on my Walkman and singing along. My friend, who lived across the hall from me, Shelley, walked in and without a word took the tape from my Walkman and went back to her room. Apparently according to her and Kate, I should not sing. I'm sure my neighbors this morning would agree with that. I've been lying in bed all morning long listening to my iPod and playing solitaire and singing along with the songs playing. It was awesome.
I feel pretty... oh so pretty...
The gala was really fun. There was a bit of miscommunication between Stephen and I which resulted in him hanging outside my apartment for 30 - 45 minutes and me sitting at the gala going I hope he's on his way. He emailed me that he didn't have his phone which I translated to with him in Vancouver not the real thing which was he didn't have his phone which is broken so he won't have his phone. :) So I called and texted him after I left for the gala on foot. He only got the voicemail through luck. But I can rest assured that my building manager will not give out my information. Of course that's probably because he doesn't seem to actually know who I am but whatever.
Ok so my dress was awesome and I got complimented a ton. And it was fun seeing who didn't recognize me all fancified. The food was also awesome - so yummy. I had risotto which I've never had before. THAT'S yummy! I did get tipsy after 2.5 glasses of wine and I was actually willing to dance but I didn't mention that to Stephen until it was too late and the last song started playing while I was in the bathroom. The Temptations played which was cool. I liked it more than I thought I would. After the gala, we went to Bauhaus to sober up and closed the place down.
I wore the little black strappy shoes and discovered they suck! The strap across the back heel wouldn't stay up so they were flippy and then I ended up stepping on the strap. I took them off to walk down to the Westin because it was easier than wearing them. Sad for my pedicure, but totally much easier to walk that way. Apparently you can take the girl out of country but you can't take country out of the girl. :)
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Hurtling towards insanity
1 - It means I have 2 weeks to Christmas shop for the fam. I would rather either buy the stuff there whilst I'm in AZ or buy it here and schlep it down there with me. Anything to avoid actually having to ship stuff.
2 - I have to go to AZ in two weeks! I don't know how this will go. I'm sure anticipating high drama will ensure it will happen. Is it too late to get valium? (kidding.) (Well sort of) :)
Wiping me out!
Apparently I need a new DVD player. I went to open mine last night to watch my latest Netflix DVD and it wouldn't open. Not even a little bit. Not at all. Sad. It is probably hmmm... I've lived here 5 years now and I bought it with Michelle in CA at KMart at one of the after Thanksgiving sales so I'm going to go with it is at least 6 years old if not older. I suppose I could get a new one. But then what do I do with the old one? Hmm...
Monday, November 05, 2007
Three things
2 - Whilst at QFC picking up juice boxes and snacks for my scout meetings this week I picked up a box of Capri Sun apple juices. I put them down in favor of Capri Sun flavored water drinks and discovered, much to my chagrin, one of the pouches had leaked and fermented maybe? Whatever... it was leaking fluid and that fluid did not smell good. Unfortunately I got it on my jacket so now my jacket stinks.
3 - Whilst trying to buy nail stuff at Bartell, my damn credit union bank card for my Alaskan account was rejected. That's always embarrassing. I got home and discovered that I have money in the account so I have no idea why it was rejected.
4 - (ok so that's more than 3) I'm crocheting a scarf to match my hat. It is cute and pink and purple. Clearly I'm regressing back to being 6.
Hmmm... Do I make it public?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I couldn't decide what to eat for lunch today. I just wanted to eat.
I couldn't decide if I wanted to go to dinner with Stephen tonight. I just couldn't wrap my head around it.
I think buying my plane tickets has broken my brain for the time being. Maybe tomorrow I can make a decision.
Worst flights ever
Monday, October 29, 2007
I think it's because I got an email from her
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Today I went back to the Pacific Science Center to volunteer again. I like it, but I'm actually kind of on the fence about volunteering for them again. In past years we gave out treats and did arts and crafts with the kids. This year they've done what several other places I've volunteered for do. They've gotten sponsors. I can understand the need. It allows them to have more activity options and costs them little to no money. The downer is that all the crafts were sponsored by various groups so I didn't get to help with any of that. That's my favorite part! So instead I did a lot of "roving" and "monitoring" and standing. I did have to work a couple of treat stations which have potential but one was in the lobby of the IMAX and so people barely came by.
Then Stephen picked me up and he and Ben and I went to the Zoo. They do a pumpkin prowl. It was fun but not what I expected. I think I thought we'd get to see animals.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A sign of the day to come?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I lost.
Monday, October 22, 2007

This is an artist's rendering of shoe option E. These are shoes I already own at home. :) They are black and strappy but it is a matte strappy since they are suede I think. They are highesh but since it is a thick heel I'm not worried because it is very secure.
Man Up
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The dress - Better??

Friday, October 19, 2007
Wiped the fuck out
I've had a long ass week that cumulated in me telling our corporate legal counsel that I will not give her the information she is requesting because I believe she does not have the right to the information. This could become fun.
I then spent 2 hours using our crappyass computer system to find salaries for faculty and in the process discovered a whole assload of them who termed and I didn't know it.
I'm going to spend the whole weekend reading about TQM (kidding) and lying in my pjs until I feel better.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tangentially Related
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007
This morning I woke up and had the country Malawi on my mind. I have absolutely no idea why or what I was dreaming about in relation to the country. A few days ago my horrorscope said I should pay attention to my dreams, they are trying to tell me something. Are they trying to tell me to buy a Malawian baby? :) Probably not.
I was trying to think about other Halloween costume ideas for this year. I volunteer every year at the Pacific Science Center, which I love, and they encourage us to dress up in G-Rated costumes. Usually I wear my poodle skirt that I made 2 years ago and a white sweater and go as a 50's girl. This year I was thinking of something else. I briefly thought about dressing up like a postulent nun (I think that's the type before they finish their vows) ala Sister Act. How hard could it be? A black skirt and dark sweater and sensible shoes and a black scarf with a white band. I either have all of that or could obtain it easily. Then I laughed to myself because the only crucifix I have is a glow in the dark one from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Hee.
I watched Mary Poppins on the big screen yesterday with Ben and Stephen. It is a LONG movie, 2+ hours. Also the big screen really highlights how bad Dick Van Dyke's teeth were then (as well as the little boy's and the little girl's.) Ben got restless towards the end. I love the movie though and I've never seen it in a theater so that was pretty awesome.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Fun meeting
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Moneywatch day 4
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Moneywatch Day 3
In other news... I bought new shoes! These were also purchased at Nordstroms but future Nordstroms purchases are tabled until my customer issue gets resolved. I took my other danskos in to be repaired and they can't fix them and they did not offer to replace them for me, instead blaming me for the way I walk (which is not necessarily untrue but the it really varies from shoe to shoe because my tennis shoes don't look like that at all and my physicial therapist actually thinks I walk inward). I was actually fine but Big R was incensed so he's emailing them today. (It helps to be friends with a diva! :) )

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Random Extra Money part 2
Monday, October 08, 2007
Random Extra Money!
Maybe I could get new dots...
When I was out in Maple Valley I briefly entertained the idea of moving out to the middle of nowhere. I like the middle of nowhere. I can't imagine what the commute would be like. It would require 2 freeways just doesn't seem like it would be fun at all. Plus I would have to get a car blah blah blah. But it is a nice dream.
Sometimes I wonder about the career path I have taken. If I continue to work in benefits (which, why on earth would I want to start yet another new career path?) that will require me to stay working in larger areas. Not necessarily as large as a city like Seattle or whatever, but I would have to stay in a place that has businesses beyond what you usually find in small towns. (Well not all small towns. I know when I lived in Indiana which was a relatively small town it was the location of a large furniture manufacturer plant, including the fact that they own Brosendorfer pianos which are the ones Tori Amos uses) but still... you get my point. Hmm... this post did meander didn't it.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
3:10 to Yuma
Anytime I watch a western (which I weirdly love westerns) I always want to go riding. It's been years since I've been on a horse. I went once in college and prior to that I hadn't been on a horse since my childhood. I don't actually like horses, truthfully, but it takes me back really to my youth. And I can still remember riding from my hometown to Tombstone. So I think westerns remind me of that. AND since many westerns allegedly take place near where I grew up, I'm always on the look out for things I should recognize. That rarely happens, though. Although Unforgiven did film near where I grew up AND one of my students when I taught school was a kid extra in it.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
2.7 miles
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I like free good PR
Also I got head hunted this morning. I'm completely underqualified to be a sr. manager of retirement plans but whatever. I wonder if this is what it is like to be Stephen. ;)
Monday, October 01, 2007
Another Weekend of Reckless Abandon
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Crisis Averted
My mom wants me to come to visit them for Thanksgiving. Allegedly the whole family will be there... including my niece who I haven't seen since the Christmas before her mom died... that was 5 years ago. She was 11 or 12 then. Now, for those of you who are semi regular readers, you may or may not remember the Christmas visit debacle of a couple years ago. Seriously, we were the white trashiest family ever... screaming at each other in the front yard. Clearly we've patched things up and maybe now that we are both 2 years older and wiser we can get along, but who knows.
BUT... I usually go to Michelle's for Thanksgiving. We shop the day after. We may be going to get new tattoos... It will definitely be more fun. If I had already bought the LA ticket, this wouldn't even be a question - I'd have an excuse premade, but I haven't. (And I didn't think quickly enough to lie.) The way my mother asked has just filled me with guilt, too. She was trying to be all cas... Fuck. I think I have to go.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Math is Hard
Touring bartells
Also, I think I don't like the yellow background I put up. I may have to change the color. I think I may change the masthead again, but I have to do that at home. :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I don't wanna move!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Full fun Saturday
Saturday was a very busy day for me and most of it was spent on the bus. I took a bus out to Lynwood for my next CEBS test. I thought the test appointment was for 1:30, it wasn't. Whoops. It was for 1:00. If my bus hadn't been late, I actually would've made it almost on time (maybe 5 min late tops) but my bus was 15 min late so I walked in at like 1:25. Sigh. Luckily they hadn't "no showed" me so I got to take my test. I think in past tests I have declined to answer the survey or something because when I finished this test the survey started up. My first thought was "oh shit I failed." Then I started having a panic attack about failing the test and with each answer of the survey I was beating myself up about how much I had studied and how could I have failed it? And then I get to the end of the survey and I see the result and at first I didn't realize what it said, I just looked for the parts I did bad on. And then I realized I actually passed it. Phew. My legs were actually shaking as I stood up to get my results.
I then caught the bus home which is another over an hour and while I was talking to Stephen I realized that the times I told him for my volunteering shift that night didn't sound right. Usually they are 4 hour shifts not 5 hours. So I stopped at the library (as I had planned) and checked my email and I was wrong again about times and my shift started at 7 not 6. Crikey I had been planning on just finishing up at the library and jumping on another bus to Fremont. Luckily I didn't.
BUT I did go to Fremont at my assigned time and volunteered for the Fremont Oktoberfest. It was so much fun! I love pouring beer at these events. I got to chat with people and there was a lot of fun to be had. It also goes by quickly which is good too. :) Although when I was done I ached. Oh how I ached. AND luckily I caught the last bus out of Fremont, however there was no #2 coming so once I was downtown, I had to walk the rest of the way home. It isn't a big deal except I was exhausted and kept thinking, I could just sit and take a nap here right? :)
Sunday I was supposed to volunteer at the Oktoberfest again. I even blew off a previously arranged event with Stephen to do it. I was supposed to work in the kids area. I got up Sunday morning and was reading in bed for a little while and the little lights were there in front of my eyes. Crap, I thought, a migraine. I got up and did laundry and ate something and took some advil and drank a bottle of water and hoped for the best. I felt better. I caught the bus to Fremont and had Baja Fresh for lunch and some ice cream from Coldstone and then went to my shift feeling pretty good. About an hour into it, I felt less good. And then I felt even less good and had to run to a portapotty. Do you know how awful it is to have to run to a porta potty?! That's way more than 10 times worse than having to run to your regular bathroom. I struggled through and more and more volunteers showed up for the kids's station so I bailed. I felt kind of bad for backing out, but I honestly felt awful. The headache was back too. So I caught the bus and luckily made it home where I crashed for the rest of the afternoon. When I finally woke up I was feeling better but it was like 6 in the evening...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tattoo toooo

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My other latest addiction... Peggle on MSN. I know it is the evil empire's site and all that but the game is so addicting! I love it! It combines two things I think are very fun... Plinko and pinball. (I don't believe I've ever really discussed my unholy love of pinball, but if you, dear reader, and I were ever to go to an arcade... that's where all my quarters would go.) Is it really a bad sign that given how nice it is outside, I choose to spend my lunch hour playing the online version in my office? (Yes, Stephen, I know it is. :) )
Can I start the day over?
An app I sent to the health insurance providers didn't get processed. Now they say the guy has to wait until open enrollment (not an option) or the app has to go to retro committee (not an option).
I got two dunning emails about an employee's member ID. Dude, it has been less than 5 days since she turned in the form. Two of those days were a weekend and one of those days I was out of the office the whole day. Sometimes things take time to process. Get the fuck over it.
When I got breakfast I spilled first on the stairs and lost some fruit. Then as I was walking out the door, I started to choke on watermelon juice and the door hit my elbow knocking more fruit and worse the bacon off my plate. Also thanks to this I now have spots on my shirt.
If one more thing goes wrong, I am going home!
Alarming realization
Monday, September 10, 2007
Obviously I should know better...
Montessori VMA's
News from the homefront
On Friday night I went to dinner with some friends. We went to Djans in Wallingford
(?) It is Thai food. I actually had a really good time. It was a friend's (Curly top's) birthday and she reserved this upstairs room. There were quite a few folks. Most of whom I've met but didn't know that well. It was a better time than I expected. The only downside is that you sit on the floor. After several hours that gets hard on the body. My legs and hips were killing me from being bent up. The food was really good as well. And I sat across from a hottie all night so that's always fun too. :) (Of course everyone there was probably between 8 - 10 years younger than me and now that I've typed that out, I feel even OLDER. :) )
I'm watching a rerun of Sex & The City. I love how awesome Smith (the actor guy) is to Samantha. I always liked Sam and the actress Kim Cattrell rocked the cancer storyline. (actually, in this episode, I realized how much most of the guys in the women's lives rocked. Harry is pretty awesome too as is Steve).
Ooh! One other thing. My new faculty orientation rocked! It was all day Friday and as exhausting as it is (I was mostly ready to skip out on dinner because seriously I have to be "on" all day and to be "on" all evening is exhausting.) I really am glad I do it. At one point 19 new faculty showed up! (Honestly, if you knew how it was in the beginning. When I first started we would do these 1 hour meetings before their new faculty institute. We would bet how many newbies would show up and the turn out was sad. SAD I say. I think the fewest was 2. Which meant that I had to meet one on one with new faculty for a week. That's just too much!)
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
ALL or is it Cheer?
Monday, September 03, 2007
Burn out
this post is sponsored by the letters P and M and S. :)
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Whining about pain
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Best Doughnuts Ever
Another option

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Hmmm Ideas...

This is another idea. Just the regular mouse. Now either would be very small... Maybe 3 inches at the widest point... I can't ever decide where though. I like the idea of one I can actually see, but for those that were around for the original tattooing, there are limits. It can't be anyplace I can't cover with business attire and it can't be in a place that will eventually sag. (The other one is between my shoulder blades. Sometimes the antenna show depending on how low the back of my sweater is.)