Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bacon flavored?

I'm watching Degrassi The Next Generation (ok go ahead and laugh, I don't know why I started watching the show, but now when there's nothing else on I'll watch.), and 2 of the boys have just attended a sex lecture. They decide to go to the drug store to buy condoms so they are prepared just in case. They're admiring the selection and talking about the different choices. Boy 1 looks at boy 2 and says Pina Colada flavored? Boy 2 says "Why couldn't they make them bacon flavored?" I just about died laughing, and choked a little bit. Bacon flavored condoms...


Unknown said...

You'd be all over bacon-flavoured condoms; admit it. :P

Joanne said...

Oh totally. As WC and I have discussed, bacon makes anything taste better. :)

Peeved Michelle said...

Revolting. Here's a better idea: don't put anything in your mouth that requires a condom until it has had a clean bill of health for six months.