Saturday, October 22, 2005

Blargh jeans!

Christ I am retarded. Seriously. Today's big plan was to go to Southcenter to go to the Avenue to buy new jeans. Seems like a simple enough task, right. I get on the 150 to go down there. About a stop or 2 later a beautiful woman with a head scarf gets on and sits down next to me. For the next 45 minutes she proceeds to yell into her cell phone in her language and cause me a headache and vague nausea with the scent of her rose perfume combined with her own natural body smell. I get off the bus finally and breathe in the amazing smell of semi-fresh air. I'm so excited. I go into the mall and look at the directory. There is no Avenue listed. I go ask at the information desk. According to cute little old woman not only is there no Avenue, there never has been one there. WTF? Did I screw this up? I am not leaving without jeans so I head into JC Penny and buy 4 pairs of reasonable looking jeans and then catch the bus home. Of course the minute I walk into the door I have to look it up online. Yes, it is confirmed, I am retarded. There isn't one at Southcenter. There are about 5 others for me to choose from... they all require multiple busses and multiple busses into areas I've never even heard of. I am thinking of trying again tomorrow since I have the movie this afternoon. If I find jeans I like better I may exchange my recently purchased JC Penny jeans. Although I'm definitely changing into new jeans today.

1 comment:

SJ said...

I'm liking how people are using puns these days...