Saturday, October 08, 2005

Less accomplishment

When I used to work at the casino, my psycho bitch boss used to make me make a to-do list every day and then I'd carry over tasks that didn't get done from the previous day onto the next day's to-do list. Christ that job sucked. Anyway, for my Saturday to-do list there were only a few basic things on it...
  • Shower
  • Get Dressed
  • Go to the library to pick up the book I have on hold
  • Buy some new jeans since I've ruined every pair I own
  • Eat a couple of meals
  • Go to the movies

I accomplished: shower and eating 1 meal. So I guess there's some stuff moved over to the next day. :) On the one hand I feel somewhat like a slug for still being in jammies at 8:15 at night, but on the other... life goes on. :) I have to add to the list for tomorrow: go to the grocery store, laundry and maybe change the sheets on the bed and clean the fish bowl. (Plus dishes and find something to make for dinner and something to bake so I have breakfast all next week). We'll see if I accomplish even half that. :)

Now I'm kicking back and enjoying a glass of hard cider. Sometimes life is good. :)


Peeved Michelle said...

You did NOT make a To Do list that included, "Shower."

Kate the Peon said...

It's not always a necessity on the weekends. I may not do that today.

Peeved Michelle said...

I didn't shower yesterday and wasn't planning on doing so today either, but then I had to go try out the brand new Target that looks like it is super fabulous but was actually quite disappointing, so I decided to degrease myself first.

... said...

I put shower on my To Do List husband thinks it is funny, but I still do it. It gives me something extra to cross off when I am done...and I like the crossing off part.