Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Do I do it or not?

I'm a high strung person. I'm also not a huge fan of being scared. Although I can cope, a little bit. I spent most of the Blair Witch Project peering through my fingers. Although hard to say if that was because of the nausea thanks to the shaky camera angles or fear I'm not sure. After watching that movie, I did have a hard time being at my friend's log cabin in the woods (ok not in the woods but instead surrounded by giant fabulous New Englandan homes but the back of the house did face woods and the bathroom scared me because the window faced the woods.) With the light on downstairs, I had to go up to the loft and turn on the light, then back down the stairs to turn off the downstairs light, then back up to the loft to go to bed. Kate could hear me in her room and laughed her ass off. Anyway... I digress. I'm not a huge fan of being scared. I'm high strung (which makes me a lot more fun for other people that's for certain...). I do like Supernatural which scares the crap out of me. I'm afraid of the dark. (Yes yes I know I'm a wuss!) So here's my question. I have the chance to go with my friends to do a cornmaze. Now I like corn mazes. I went to Kate's in Vermont and that was way fun. Here's the dilemma. It is a haunted cornmaze. I'm not sure I like this. I'm honestly not sure I'm going to have fun if I go. But I kind of want to go because I dig corn mazes... What do y'all think?


Kate the Peon said...


Chicken said...

I would go. It sounds like fun.

Peeved Michelle said...

Don't do it. You'll be sorry. You might even be killed.

... said...

You should go but not alone...that way if you totally get freaked out, you can rely on someone.

I went to a haunted house with my sister and her husband last year in Portland and it was a blast (even though we were the oldest people there not accompanied by kids). We all screamed (even though B will not admit it, I am sure).

I have done corn mazes too but not haunted ones, that sounds kind of fun...