Sunday, January 25, 2004


That's how I feel today... just kinda meh. I'm not actually in a good mood. I feel slightly sad and I'm not sure why. Probably related to the amount of alcohol I had last night. However, thanks to either Eric (bartender) or Vladdy's hangover solutions, I don't really feel terrible today. No headache so bad I want to die or anything like that. I thought when I went to sleep last night that I was mostly sober, but I woke up at 2 with the room spinning and realized, nope... not sober. :) Reminds me of when I was in college and it was Michelley's 21st birthday. We all went out and drank heavily. I woke up in the middle of the night just shivering and shuddering and positive I was having seizures due to alcohol poisoning (so clearly I was still drunk). I was lying in bed having panic attacks about who could I call that would help me. My 1st thought... Vlad... except he was in France. My 2nd thought... Michelle but I was positive she was sleeping with my 3rd thought... Turns out she wasn't and she had a Christian soldier ensuring her virtue, By then I had mostly lost interest and fallen back asleep after pulling another blanket over me. Frightening how at no time did calling my own RA enter into my head. (Oh yeah that year it was Lisa... another Christian soldier and I couldn't have dealt with that.)

In other thoughts... here are the 10 things I like and dislike at this moment...(subject to change with or without notice tax, title and license extra, all rights reserved blah blah blah)
Dislike: 1) That damn "It's your birthday" by whomever. I hate it and it is running through my head. 2) The fact that some of my keyboard keys don't work anymore. 3) Feeling sad. 4) Being broke and still having a week to go. 5) That there's nothing on TV on Sunday Morning! Six) How the VH1 countdown shows some videos but not others... I like Evanesence but I don't like Beyonce... 7) The smell of my hair right after the water starts hitting it after I've been out in a smoke filled bar the night before. It is like every pore of my hair was holding stinky grossness and just waiting until it got wet to release it. 8) My bathroom... I hate that every wall is tiled and I hate the tile they used. 9) My water pressure... it sucks and 10) That I'm hungry right now and I can't think of any food to make for breakfast.

Like: 1)That hot shower when you feel kinda crappy and there's just something invigorating about it. 2) Lotion... it just feels nice after that shower and your body is sucking up all the moisture it can get. 3) Soda Pop 4) Apparently drinks made with red bull since I don't have a hangover. 5) Heath Ledger (I don't know why he is on here right now I'm not even seeing a commercial with him in it but he just totally popped into my head) Six) My new books from the library and the fact that I can spend all day reading them if I want to. 7) Mini Love Voodoo doll, I wonder if it will work 8) The fact that I get paid FRIDAY! Finally!! 9) Clean clothes fresh from the dryer and 10) the peanut buttery goodness of a reeses cup.

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