Sunday, January 18, 2004

Wahoo drunken drunkenness... so vladdy and his new boy matthew (who is totally cute and I can support this union) and I went drinking just now. Ok like 5 hrs ago we we started. I am so glad I went out. I got to see almost all my boys tonight and that made me happy even though I've been crabby lately. (well and they are all gay and not really useful to me) So after having a lot of alcohol, the boys and I wandered down to Pine Place or Park Place or Pike Place I can't figure out the name right now but it is basically a mall. V had this idea about going to this sushi place in the mall. Not being sober enough to think, they are a buffet place. (ok apparently not being sober enough to finish a sentence either...) Anyway we went in not really thinking about how much it would cost. Holy shit, we get the bill... 82 dollars... 82 fucking dollars! Just so you know, that translates to 27 dollars each. Since I don't eat sushi, I am fairly certain that I did not consume 27 dollars worth of teriyaki chicken (which wasn't that great to begin with). Of course we're drunk, so what do we care? Now when and if I ever sober up, I will care a lot I'm sure. Holy cow, I'm tired right now. We scared a lot of sober straight people as we walked down the hill. I can't believe how drunk I am right now. It has been a while since I have had any alcohol, and apparently I made up for lost time tonight. ;) Poor little Matthew, probably we've skeerrreedd (scared) him. :) The feeling in my mouth is kinda gross. I need to drink my cup of water and take my asprins so I won't be hung over tomorrow, not that I actually have anything to do or anything... which brings me to...

Michelle read the email that I am about to send to the yeti. She claims it isn't bad. I hope she is right. I really like him and want to keep going out with him, I strongly suspect that this email will stop that. (Us going out that is). I am dilemma'd about whether or not to send it. I am drunk enough right now that I could do it without thinking about it, but at the same time, I don't want to lose him. Of course how can I lose something I don't have? Goddamn boys. I so need to join a convent or convert or something... eeewww pussy, gross! Nevermind about the conversion thing. I never want to go there. Hmmm... to send or not to send... I think I fear sending it because I feel like such a wuss for not being able to tell him in person and because I feel bad for sending him an email because this isn't giving him a chance to verbally respond. Damn yeti, can't he make my life easier?

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