Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I called all my Brownie parents to let them know that we weren't having a Brownie Meeting tonight. One of them seemed kind of startled since she had assumed (correctly) that we wouldn't have a meeting. She made the comment that she had pretty much figured that. (total random thought... I didn't know George Harrison died... was it from that stabbing attack or something else I wonder - ok not that random, the tv commercial on right now is about the "concert for george" after his death). Back to my story - I wanted to tell this mom that I was calling as a courtesy because I had two parents who I felt fairly confident who woud not even think about the fact that school was closed and just randomly drop their kids off at the meeting. One of whom is always late anyway. People are dumb. I wonder if the weather is still this bad (not actively snowing, but like my road has been closed all day) if school will be cancelled tomorrow too. Most of me won't mind going back to work, but I would kind of like to watch the People's Court Episode they advertised for tomorrow. :)

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