Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Volunteer day 2
I grabbed some dinner in the Center House. Mmm a burger and fries. :) I ended up spending more than I wanted to there because I was having a dessert difficulty. Nothing I bought made me happy so after about 5 sips of an Orange Julius it ended up in the trash. And about 3/4ths of a chocolate shake ended up in the trash. They just weren't what I wanted.
I forgot in my story about the cornmaze... I only had a chicken breast from QFC for dinner that night. Again, nothing was making me happy. :S So that was all I had before we headed out mazing. After we went through the corn maze, we stopped at Dicks for burgers and all that. I had a chocolate shake and french fries. Damn were they both good. Exactly what I needed at that moment...
Random other thought... I had a dream the other morning that for some reason has stuck with me since yesterday. I dreamt that I was in a restaurant and picked up this guy who was cute in a geeky way. He gave me his number and I was kind of excited. And then someone I know came up behind me and did the hug from behind thing people do. Except he kept putting his hands on my tits. In front of cute geeky guy that I was into. So I kept moving his hands away and he kept putting them back until we were walking with my hands behind my back holding his hands to keep them from touching me. It was so weird.
Final thought... I was watching Logo just now. (Logo is the new network for the gays. I like Priscilla Queen of the Desert which is what I was watching.) The movie ended and this news program came on. The news reporter was so god awful I couldn't believe it. It was beyond belief and I had to change the channel.
Yesterday, a recap
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Myth vs. reality (I think this has been a title before...)

So I had been agonizing over going to the Cornmaze but decided to go anyway. I hadn't realized that the first part of the cornmaze would be just evening cornmaze. That part was pretty fun. Although this is the last weekend so the corn was pretty well trampled down. The paths were crazily muddy too. My new jeans are brown at the bottom and my tennis shoes (the ones I wear daily) are horrifyingly dirty. I may need to just break down and buy a new pair. :S So then we get to the haunted part. Firstly we stood in line to get in for 30 minutes. While we stood in line we did a little dancing game where one would do a move then the next one would do the first move and then add a move and on and on. So we finally got in and went through a misty tunnel area into the maze. It was mostly following a path. It was definitely fun and only a little scary. We laughed and ran and laughed and laughed. We were all gripping onto each other tightly. The last one to jump out of a bush was a chainsaw guy and he made me run (and maybe push a family out of the way... :) ) I'm glad I went, though it definitely was a good time. :)
Friday, October 28, 2005
Today will be a good day dammit!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Day is done!
I also got 2 great compliments today. One from the new mom who said that she had heard great things about me from three (THREE!) different people. She was trying to find a new troop and they recommended mine. My little troop. Have I ever mentioned how about 94% of the time I feel like such a crap leader because I just throw meetings together and we don't do great service unit projects? The 2nd came from one of my other Girl Scout moms. She was talking to newmom and she said that I really loved their girls, which despite all my grumbling about them I kind of do. (And now because I'm a huge sap, I MIGHT be a little misty thinking about it.)
I emailed my contact at the Girl Scout office and told her we'd be willing to talk to the other troop about combining troops. I'm still not sure I could give up control. :)
How You Are In Love |
![]() You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You tend to give more than take in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Do I do it or not?
Yay more kids!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Why I am the black sheep
Jo says:
I think I'm going to fly in on christmas eve day
Mom says:
check with Babysis....maybe you can fly to Phoenix and then drive down with her
Jo says:
but then what about back? would poppy or nephew drive me back?
Mom says:
no littlesis would i think
Jo says:
Am I foolish for suspecting that littlesis doesn't have as many days off as I do.
Mom says:
I want to talk to littlesis before you commit
Mom says:
i don't know ow many days shge hgas off or how many days you have off either
Jo says:
I don't have to be back to work until January 3rd. However I will be flying back prior to that to spend new years eve here in seattle.
Mom says:
Mom says:
let me talk to littlesis first
Mom says:
will get back to you later or tomorrow
Jo says:
Ok but before you get all your knickers in a plan. I cannot leave work before 3 PM on Friday the 23rd. So don't go making a plan that involves me leaving earlier than that.
Mom says:
Now see the bottom line makes me sound like a bitch to my mother, which I am. But there's a reason for this. She has been known on more than one occassion to create a plan in her mind and then discuss it with those involved. Then she gets royally pissed off when we cannot comply with her plan. And becomes convinced that she did discuss it with us prior to said announcement even though more than one of us will say she didn't. (Can you tell I've been burned by this "discussion" before?)
Voltaire! I can't wait for Christmas to be over so I can go back to my little hovel and remain undisturbed.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Happy Monday!
I think it was last year that I mentioned I wanted to sew a quilt. It would be made up of T-shirts that I have gotten over the years for volunteering at the various places I go to. Most of them never get worn after the event but some of them are fairly cool. And even the ones that are less cool, I would like to put in because they're representative of things I've done. I may actually have enough for 2 quilts, or to make it reversable when all is said and done. I have A LOT of t-shirts. I was thinking of using just navy blue to bind to each shirt to make a border then attach them all together, but looking at this huge stack of jeans I have right now that are all unwearable due to holes, I am thinking I may use denim. How cool would that be? I've asked for a new sewing machine for Christmas. I'll need something heavier duty than my current old fashioned model. Although I should get the old one serviced so that it doesn't seem to want to smoke when I'm using it.
Finally apparently the ferrets are cokeheads. They knocked a can of Pepsi off the shelf sometime in the night and were very excitedly lapping it up this morning when I got up. Little shits. I should really know better than to leave that lying about, and usually I clean up the half empty cans, but I must've forgotten last night.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Target's redemption
This week's plan for the girls is making troop t-shirts. I'm hoping it'll be fun and they'll turn out okay. I bought a variety of puffy paints and fabric paint that we'll play with. So then I need white t-shirts to paint on, right? I'm already at Fred Meyers so I check them. No dice. The white t-shirts have printing on them or there are none. So I head down to K-Mart. Again no dice. So I extend my flexcar time and head over to Target. Yay target! They've been reedemed. Not only did they have plenty of white (albiet long sleeved) t-shirts. They were only 5 bucks each. I had originally wanted short sleeved ones but I think the long sleeved ones will turn out better in the end. I'm thinking of writing the troop number and GS one down each sleeve, but I'm not sure if that would be great. What do y'all think? Somewhere on the shirt will have our troop # and GS so that'll be the one unifying thing on all the shirts. Then the girls can decorate the shirt how they want. Although I will print out some coloring pages of camping images that they could trace if they aren't artistic, like I'm not. Then they could paint in the color. I have high hopes.
Scary and a bad song
I was just watching Tess eating on the floor and it caused me to sing a little song about what she was eating. It was out of tune. And weird. And worse, I thought it was Rigby eating so my song was all about Rigby eating. Which then made me laugh because damn if I had a roommate they'd kill me.
During the film, they had sign language interpreters off to one side for the 4 people on that side who were hearing impaired. I spent much of the film watching them. A lot of the film is just people sitting and talking so it wasn't like I was missing a big car chase scene, and the interpreters were just fascinating. Their facial and body gestures really conveyed the whole story so well. I was amazed.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Blargh jeans!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Another Friday night of wild & crazy abandon.
I'm such a 12 year old boy. Everytime Mikey says one eyed Willie I chuckle inside a teeny tiny bit.
I am now wholeheartedly in love with McAffee. One of its most recent downloaded updates has the fixer for Winfixer! It scanned the computer today and found the 2 bad files and pulled them and all I had to do was restart. Then restart a 2nd time because 1st time I got a blue screen. Interestingly enough, when I did the giant 15 page instructions (Ok not that long but it really felt it) one of the steps indicated I'd get a blue screen. So I'm currently running IE again. I just like that things are easier with IE. Everything loves it.
I think it is an early to bed night so I can shop til I drop tomorrow! Yay new jeans!!
Simple joy
I just had hashbrowns and bacon for breakfast.
I'm going shopping for new blue jeans this weekend at what will hopefully be my new favorite fatchick clothes store.
Dave Matthews Band is playing on my Launch cast this morning.
I'm going to the movies this weekend.
How much better can life get?
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Can you go home again?
Unintentionally funny
1 - I was at my chiropractor's office and we were talking about something (I can't even remember what). I made the offhand comment that Matty says that I don't trust people but I do trust big business. And I always think 'Well duh, Disneyland has never let me down.' And my chiropractor said that she loves my inner monologue. I don't know what that means. (Ok I do, don't explain it to me.)
2 - I called in for the encampment lottery yesterday evening*. Earlier in the day I had sent an email to the outdoor program person because I had forgotten I had a chiropractor appointment and would be calling on my cell (whoo look at me all technological and shit). I have absolutely no recollection of what I sent in the email I sent. Something about I wasn't going to be at home so here's my cell number. There was obviously more to whatever I said because the woman who answered the phone (and obviously to whom I sent the email) said she found my email funny and printed it out and shared it with the office. I really wish I know what I had said.
*There are only 33 or so spots available to have an encampment if we want to use one of their properties. There are something like 59 service units in our council. We lottery every year to try to get a spring encampment slot. We did get one for April yay!
Oh my head!
I got into a rather involved (yet difficult to hear) discussion about why I don't think you'll meet Mr. Right in a bar. I think it boils down to the fact that people who spend every night in the bar have got issues. (V was not present for this convo) And I don't think that I'm incorrect, although they were fighting me on it. At least one of those 2 spends every night in the bar. And I looked at him and said, "Your issue is that you missed out on all of this when you were in your early 20's and now you're making up for it." (OK I will admit that at this point in the evening I'd had 3 drinks... 2 Black Forests [a kind of chocolate cream drink that's all alcohol poured in a martini glass] and a Pineapple Malibu and OJ) I'm actually not wrong on that assessment though. The guy typically dates only 20 somethings and he's in his early 40's. He didn't come out until mid 30's. I even copped to the fact that when I first moved up here I spent every night in the bar drinking because I was unemployed, broke and had 1 friend (who was at the bar too). But I think when life started getting better, I started going there less. And now I'm rarely there. The other one kind of saw my point I think. I pointed out that he rarely spends time in a bar because it served its purpose and now he has a life that isn't the bar. Even the 40 something kind of agreed because he said he joined the rugby team and softball as a better means to meet people.
I got to play darts with this Russian friend of V's. He's usually really good, but I managed to beat him 3 games to 2. Go me! :)
V had a bartender friend from the old bar he worked at there. When he first was introduced he hugged me. I am not, by nurture, a touchy person. We do not touch in my family so I find it weird to be randomly hugged by a stranger. I've gotten much better about being hugged by friends, but a stranger is too much for me. So it was worse when he tried to kiss me! Three times! I wasn't drunk enough to just go with it. And so I was just very "what's happening... what's going on here?" And then I fled, because apparently it has been too long since I've kissed a boy and I no longer know how to react properly. :) I need to find a way to remedy that with someone I actually WANT to kiss. :) (Also it isn't that the guy was unattractive, he was actually kind of cute, but I was just so befuddled.)
The way home sucked. I went to catch the bus (given the no hills rule) and it was 10:56 when I sat down at the stop. Now the sign said the bus comes at 10:53, and I would think I would've seen it as I walked up to the stop. But I hadn't and Seattle busses aren't that great at being on time so I figured I was fine, right? Not so much. At 11:23 the next bus came. Sigh. I got panhandled twice but that was about it. I didn't even think to walk up to the next block to catch a different bus that goes where I need it to go.
Got home. Watched my video tape of Veronica Mars. Went holy cow! And went to bed! :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Fuzzie bunnies!

Tess outside on her pink leash. She and Rig actually have had to trade leashes because the blue one on Rigby is too small and I can't tighten this pink one tight enough for Tess.

And finally Rigby up close and personal outside. Rig has the pink nose and tess has a bunch of black on her nose. That's the obvious way to tell them apart. I can now tell them apart based on little things like their size and Rig is fluffier than Tess.
Bucka bucka
She had me do a bunch of different tests. The weirdest thing we discovered... I can't put my feet together and stand straight up. My knees won't allow it. Physical therapist says that it is something to do with my knees and hip bones and apparently there's a problem there. But it isn't the type of problem that anything can be done about. So because of this knee/hip thing I walk on the inside of my feet and that's contributing to the problem. Which is also weird since the wear pattern on my shoes does not indicate this at all. The shoes say that I walk on the outsides of my feet. AND finally my feet don't bend right. There's no flexibility there. The right foot can go to neutral (like the 90 degree angle for standing). The left one (the one with the problem) cannot. So that's what is continuing to agitate the problem and will probably cause me future problems. And at some point in the future I may need to have orthotics. Seriously, this is all very ridiculous.
So now my instructions are: No walking. Really and seriously. I have to take the bus to go to work and home. I have to not walk up hills at all. I have to do all these different exercises. One of them I have to do every 2 fucking hours! The other I have to do 3x per day and this massage thing once daily. In 3 weeks I'll go back for an evaluation. I'm hopeful... very hopeful. (Or not, I'm feeling rather grumpy about all of this). I can go back to the gym to bicycle if I would like or I can go to the pool, except it is only open for lap swim from 7 - 9 AM (which doesn't work with my work schedule) and 6 - 7:30 at night (which doesn't work with my life schedule). It is open on the weekends too so I think I'm definitely going to start going on the weekends if nothing else. I have to do some exercise!
Christmas shopping already?
Monday, October 17, 2005
Crunch Crunch
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Creature of habit
Every Sunday morning right around the time I get up.
Every Sunday morning I do 3 loads: a load of jeans/ towels, work clothes & everything else.
Every Sunday morning I load the laundry basket in my room the same way. Everything else on the bottom (I don't want my neighbors to see my panties), work clothes and jeans/towels on top.
Every Sunday morning I set up the washing machines in the exact same manner. The one on the left is cold for jeans, the one in the middle is permanent press for work clothes and the one on the right is cold for everything else.
This Sunday morning, I threw the work clothes into the left, the jeans into the middle and everything else on the right. Oh no! Now my world is thrown upside down. Black is white! Up is down! Chaos is ensuing. Crikey. I'm thrown all off now.
Also, I'm hungry.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Several things rattling around in my head...
Right now is the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. It is a joyous holiday celebrating the harvest and it also commemorates the 40 year period when the children of Israel were wandering the desert and living in temporary shelters. One of the ways they celebrate Sukkot is by building a sukkah. They are these temporary shelters that those who are celebrating Sukkot live in during the holiday (although live in from what I understand is a fairly loose interpretation... those who are unable to do not live in them, but may take meals in them). Why do I bring up this lesson in Jewish holidays? Because every year the retirement community I walk past encloses their patio and put tree boughs on the top for the roof for those residents who celebrate Sukkot. I find that so incredibly cool. And I was reminded me again of this a couple of days ago when lo and behold the temporary walls were back up.
Last night was the first day of the big gay film festival Matty works for. Due to a program snafu, he needed a volunteer or 2 to hand out postcards for one of the sponsors. I volunteered and dragged along RBT (formerly virgin gay, he still is those things but we've bonded now so I need a better nickname.). We had a really good time. We went to dinner first at the mall. Then went to volunteer. He's funny and we talked a lot of smack about people. :) While I was passing out my postcards, the guy whose film I worked on said hello and remembered who I was by name. Freaked me out a little bit. I now have several free tickets for the festival and I might actually use them. :) I offered some to RBT but he declined. Although I think I may bring it up again to him and see if there are any he wants to see. While we were leaving the Cinerama the weather was just chilly but nothing wild. We stopped into Cold Stone Creamery for some ice cream for me. It only took maybe 7 minutes. When we walked out it was POURING. So we sat under an awning and chatted. Caught the bus up to QFC and parted ways. It was a good time though. :)
I got a card in the mail yesterday from America's Second Harvest. It was thanking me for an additional donation I just recently did to them. Currently they are hitting up my bank account for a fixed amount of money every month, but in the wake of Katrina, I knew they were sending down food and supplies so I donated more. It was a nice touch, a card.
I know it would make me sick, but sometimes the new Burger King meat sandwich sounds really good.
I have to go on another field trip to buy new jeans. I'm just going to go around here. Hopefully I can find something I don't hate at Ross. (ew Ross, but they're cheap). RBT and I were discussing shoes yesterday and he said something about me earning enough money to buy a pair of Prada shoes if I wanted. He surmised they'd cost about $350.00. I said I guess, but I'd have to save for several months to do it. And he seemed shocked by that. Of course even if I did earn the kind of money to buy fancy shoes, I wouldn't. $350 is just too much for shoes to me. I balked at the over $100 I paid for my Danskos that I love.
When did VH1 start playing all this R&B and Hip Hop? I've spent the last 1/2 hour with the channel on mute because I didn't like the song they were playing. (Which is a sure sign I'm an old lady!) :)
Friday, October 14, 2005
Flu shot!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Suck -up
Also, how weird is it when someone has your own name and you write them an email.
blah blah blah blah
Vaguely troubled
- They want to do more outside activities. I've got no issue with that (although they bitch and moan about driving places so...) .
- They want the girls to do more of the planning. That's actually where I was already going since starting this year they are more responsible for the planning. That's the ultimate goal, by the time they're in high school the girls do all the planning. And I told them this the end of last year.
- They want to have a calendar of when stuff will be worked. I can do that too. (That's been a goal of mine, but at the same time, I'm lazy and I've got other stuff going on so I tend not to do that.)
- They want to meet bi-monthly. I've suggested that in the past and been shot down, so that one's never been me.
None of this is earth shattering, yet why do I feel so defensive?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Mad cooking skillz
Edit: Ok I was wrong. Dousing in butter did not help the dry crumblyness of them. The sucking the spit right out of my mouth of them. I broke down and heated up a few tortillas so that my dinner wasn't 100% meat.
Matty P & I went out to dinner tonight. I haven't realized how much I miss hanging out with MP. I'll be really really glad when his Film Festival job is over. Then he can play with me again! :) He has a different way of looking at things than Michelle does. Not better, not worse, just different. It's interesting sometimes to talk to him just because it is a different perspective.
I've cut out my 2nd evening soda (again). I have found that I'm not able to sleep at night. Then I don't want to get up in the morning. And sometimes I take a mid-afternoon nap. Which then screws me up again for the night. My life is so rough. :P I've had to start taking showers after work just because I'm so tired at night and in the morning I don't want to do it either of those times.
Fuck you Internet Explorer!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
It's official!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Why did it have to be spiders?
Spiders: To see a spider in your dream, indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or that you may want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation. The spider is also symbolic of feminine power. Alternatively, a spider may refer to a powerful force protecting you against your self-destructive behavior. If you kill a spider, it symbolizes misfortune and general bad luck. (Hmm I wonder what it means if I tried to kill it but they wouldn't die?)
To see a spider spinning a web in your dream, signifies that you will be rewarded for your hard work. You will soon find yourself promoted in your job or recognized for your achievement in a difficult task. Spiders are a symbol of creativity due to the intricate webs they spin. On a negative note, spiders may indicate a feeling of being entangled or trapped in a sticky or clingy relationship. It represents some ensnaring and controlling force. You may feel that someone or some situation is sucking the life right out of you. (Positive and negative... interesting that)
To see a spider climbing up a wall in your dream, denotes that your desires will be soon be realized. (A girl can hope can't she?)
To dream that you are bitten by a spider, represents a conflict with your mother or some dominant female figure in your life. The dream may be a metaphor for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship. (I don't think I got bitten so this part is probably moot. Although one of the ferrets did get bitten and I was troubled by that greatly. I tried to cage them to protect them but that didn't work.)
Black Widow: To see a black widow in your dream, suggests fear or uncertainty regarding a relationship. You may feel confined, trapped, or suffocated in this relationship. You may even have some hostility toward your mate.
Because the female black widow has the reputation of devouring its mate, it thus also symbolizes feminine power and domination over men. (She was dead I wonder if that changes the meaning?)
Bigger disappointment
Sunday, October 09, 2005
6 lbs.
Disappointments galore
I went to my favorite restaurant and had a bacon cheese burger. No disappointment there. In fact moment of joy since they actually had soda. (They didn't have it the last time I was there)
I went to Fred Meyer to find some jeans. Note to Fred Meyer... the Misses section is usually code for the fat chick section. I do not want to see size 4s or 6s in that section. They're undergoing remodeling. I could not for the life of me find the section that had clothes that would fit. Finally as I was about to give up, I found it and bought 2 pairs of new jeans. Yay new jeans! :)
Later this afternoon I headed down to the library to pick up my latest book and return the bad one. Unfortunately I read the website incorrectly so I was too late. And right as I got down there the bus I would take to the grocery store went by so no chance to catch that one. I ended up heading a few blocks over to catch a different bus rather than wait the half an hour for the next one.
In QFC I was hoping to find Country Crock pre-made mashed potatoes so I could make my modified shepherd's pie without too much work on my part. So instead I am making my own mashed potatoes and some beef stew. Which isn't bad either. I also have mulled a mug of spiced cider and now I'm waiting for it to cool down enough to drink. I wish I had ice. (I don't own an ice cube tray, and even if I did, my freezer is too full of other stuff and ice because I need to defrost it, there's no space for one.)
There are new episodes of Charmed and Desperate Housewives on tonight to look forward to. So that's good too. :) So maybe not a totally disappointing day. :)
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Less accomplishment
- Shower
- Get Dressed
- Go to the library to pick up the book I have on hold
- Buy some new jeans since I've ruined every pair I own
- Eat a couple of meals
- Go to the movies
I accomplished: shower and eating 1 meal. So I guess there's some stuff moved over to the next day. :) On the one hand I feel somewhat like a slug for still being in jammies at 8:15 at night, but on the other... life goes on. :) I have to add to the list for tomorrow: go to the grocery store, laundry and maybe change the sheets on the bed and clean the fish bowl. (Plus dishes and find something to make for dinner and something to bake so I have breakfast all next week). We'll see if I accomplish even half that. :)
Now I'm kicking back and enjoying a glass of hard cider. Sometimes life is good. :)
Friday, October 07, 2005
A true story about Joanne & Cheating
I AM a grown up.
hippies & spiders
I love spiders. I read a book as a child called Be Kind to Spiders about how we should be nice to them because they help by killing off other bugs. And since I totally fear other bugs, I'm all for something that will help me get rid of those. :D Anyway, I'm also really fascinated by their webs. As I was walking to work this morning there were 2 spiders building 2 huge webs. They were amazing. I could've stood watching the one for hours as he (or she) worked the legs to crate each strand and hook them together. So cool. I am going to try to remember my camera tomorrow morning on my way to work and take a picture.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Ferret behavior...
It made me think about Tess & Rigby. I'm still feeling a bit concerned about Tess because she seems to be a little (translate that to a lot) high strung (kind of like me) and Rig still has an unholy affinity for my feet (usually investigating their taste with her teeth, she is especially fond of this at 5:30 AM). When they first came to live with me I tried caging them during my work day and then letting them out when I got home. I stopped too soon I think, after only a few days. I'm now wondering if they still have anxiety because of too much freedom and no real clue about what to do with themselves. Hence the problem with the plants, and really any other major chaos they get into such as the bathtub. Now ferrets aren't dogs. They are naturally curious. They do like to dig. They're fairly single minded when they have something on their mind. (ie I can keep redirecting Rig out of the bathroom and away from the tub but short of moving the trash can and shutting the door, she'll keep going back to it until she gets bored on her own.) But I think I need to apply some of what I read to the terrible twosome. I thought by giving them more freedom they'd be happy because they weren't shut up in a cage like they had been, but really I may be freaking them out.
Is this really weird?
Oh, on a different note... my hippie chiropractor's new office manager is hot. He seems straight as well. I may need adjusting on a far more regular basis. ;) And so far I like him better than bitchy mcsnot who was there before.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Vaguely troubling
What is wrong with this picture??

I had a wholly other post rattling around in my head about something else that bothers me, but as I was flitting through some photographs in the PI I came across this photo. If I were to see this pic in National Geographic I would've assumed this was a starving woman in some 3rd world country. Her head has that giant look like you see on the ads on TV for Christian Children's Fund. Her forearms couldn't be bigger around than a dixie cup. How does she hold up that gigantic cranium? She honestly, to me at least, looks as though she is sick and pretty close to dying. She isn't. She's a model on the Paris runway this year. Holy sweet fuck! How is this an approximation of beauty? I don't even know what else to say. I'm speechless in my horror at this...
I should give credit to the photo. I came across it in the Seattle PI. It is an AP photo by Michel Euler.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Checkered job history...
Camp Counselor (summer 95 & 96 & 97)
Student Library Assistant (School year 95 - 96)
Substitute teacher (AK) (96 - 97)
Bookstore clerk (96 - 97)
Temp (Indiana) (97 - 98)
Program coordinator with developmentally disabled adults (Ie babysitter) (98 - 99)
Teacher (AZ) (98 - 99)
Temp (CA) (99)
Dot com in CA (99 - 2002)
Temp (WA) (02 - 03)
Casino (6 months in 03)
Current job (03 - Present)
Bacon flavored?
Monday, October 03, 2005
Bus & Stoplight Karma
Conversely, I have awful stoplight karma. It is almost a guarantee that the walking person will change to flashing hand while I'm still half a block away to ensure I will not only have to stop, but wait through the longest possible cycle of lights. Today the 2 karmas collided. I had to cross 2 streets with stoplights to catch the bus I needed. The first street I partially jaywalked. The light was about to turn red and there weren't any cars coming. The 2nd street, I totally jaywalked. If I hadn't I would've missed my bus. So apparently stoplight karma trumps bus karma. Why am I not surprised? :)
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Accomplishments galore
- I did dishes. I hate doing dishes. It takes me hours because I wait until I have no clean dishes left and I have to take a break every little while because I am being tortured so.
- I've baked a nice roast beef. Yay for roast beef. :) And a baked potato.
- I have repotted 3 plants and watered the others.
- I have measured my apartment, well using my feet. It seems to be somewhere between 600 & 700 square feet. Christ, some of the ones in my price range tend to be more towards the 400 square feet range. I don't have enough space in my apartment as it is, I don't think I could cut out 200 - 300 square feet. (Matty how many square feet is yours?)
- Ever since I visited my friend in Vermont, I've been on a quest for good apple cider. I bought a jar of this syrup that when mixed with water was delectable. The best cider I've ever had. The little packets are not good. Ever. Today while in QFC I thought I'd try a different tack. I picked up a package of mulling spices and a bottle of apple juice. Ok, now that I've thought about it, apple juice was probably not the right part. I have boiled 4 cups with the mulling spices and I'm waiting to see how the results taste. It is too hot just now. I have high hopes, though. Seriously too hot still.
- Oh I also went to the library and picked up 2 new books and did my usual 3 loads of laundry. Now if only I'd gotten to cleaning the bathroom and mopping the entry way. Maybe next weekend.
Edited: Dinner was pretty good. Unfortunately the potato was undercooked. But the mulled apple juice cider was really yummy. If I use regular cider next time this may even be better!Yay!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Sin City - A prediction
Edited: Ok, I clearly had no idea how violent and weird this movie could be. Holy crap. I really liked the style... the black and white with flashes of color. I liked the narration. I'm glad I've watched it. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I liked it. I liked parts of it. And I was fascinated by the whole thing, that's for sure. I couldn't look away, and it is pretty rare for me to actually watch an entire movie without doing a bunch of other stuff while watching.
Happy October!
I just got confirmation that I will be spending Halloween weekend volunteering for my very favorite thing ever, the Pacific Science Center's Halloween celebration: Tricks, Treats & Science Feats. I did this last year and enjoyed it a lot. I am excited about doing it again. I can wear my poodle skirt again! :D
I went to GF food today. Yum GF food. Yum cake! Yum chicken tenders and did I mention, Yum cake! :) They didn't have cupcakes so I just got a regular slice of cake. YUM!
I've been approved!
In a wholly other rant, the damn building behind me is under construction. All the destruction they're doing to take down the building that was there and now will be replaced by a new 19 story building, is causing my building to shake. It feels almost as though there's all these mini earthquakes happening. This has been going on since some ridiculous hour of the morning. Sigh.
Another Friday of Wild & Reckless Abandon
Here's how the exciting single girl's life really pans out...
For dinner: Chinese food.
Evening entertainment: 2 movies
1 - Fever Pitch. I liked it. It was cute and it continues my unholy love of Drew Barrymore movies.
Now my #1 movie watching rule is when you watch a romantic comedy it is necessary to watch a very non-romantic comedy movie (preferably with explosions) to expunge all traces of romanticism. So in honor of that I rented...
2 - Crash. I've heard many people recommend it. My boss, KTP, coworker, maybe that's it though. I don't know if I liked it. I suppose that's a sign. It was good. Thought provoking. It'll probably give me nightmares, but lately everything is, so that's nothing new.
Tomorrow, continuing my spree of wild & crazy life, I'll be hitting the library and possibly doing some cleaning. And I have Sin City to watch.