Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Ghost in the graveyard

What time is it?? Did y'all ever play this game when you were kids? I can't actually remember exactly how we played it. I remember a person at the end of a field kind of like red light green light. I'm not sure how we advanced, but at midnight we all had to run like hell back to the start line. Where does this random memory come from you might ask? If I were the superstitious type I would totally believe I have a ghost in my apartment. The walls knock frequently and kind of eerily. It almost sounds like knocking. Since my wall is an outerwall it can't possibly be like a grumpy neighbor. Grumpy pigeon maybe. Then there's the constant banging on the radiator. V claims his radiator doesn't bang. I can really only assume it is the pipes, but it is a tiny bit scary sometimes.

In other thoughts, are the girls EVER going to win against the boys on the Real World Road Rules Challenge? Ooh and I wonder if little Robin and Mark are still together after the show.

1 comment:

Peeved Michelle said...

Our water heater bangs when we turn on the hot water.