Saturday, January 22, 2005

Stupid Spoiled Whore

Is February the month of no talent hacks? On the cover of my Cosmo Magazine was Asslee Simpson. And worse, on the cover of my Jane, Paris Hilton. Asslee isn't really a stupid spoiled whore, if her show is any indication. It is quite clear that there is only one Simpson daughter in the family. The way her dad treats her, Asslee is clearly the stepchild or milk man's baby. Paris on the other hand, is the epitome of stupid spoiled whore (tm SouthPark). She is no better than Trashelle from the Real World. Her sole reason for fame is how skanky she is and her crappy TV show. At least Asslee has a crappy record too. Go away... Go far far away! Ha. The reason for Paris being on the cover of my magazine, her new found purity. Please.

Since February is the month of Valentine's day, be prepared for all sorts of crankyness. I hate Valentine's Day. Even when I had a Valentine I hated it. It is just to much pressure and commercialism. I'm fairly certain nothing could top the complete crappyness* of last year's Valentine's day, but I don't know that I want to throw that out there for fate.

*For those not loyal readers then, my favorite ferret died overnight, in my bed! And I got driven into by an idiot driver down by my local QFC. He didn't hit me hit me, but just didn't seem willing to stop as I jumped sideways to get out of his way and slammed my hand down on the hood of his car to alert him to my presence. And HE had the audacity to yell at me even though I had the right of way.

1 comment:

Kate the Peon said...

Oh no you di'nt.

Rag on Asslee all you want, but leave Treshelle outta this!